Eleven-year-old Sikh boy, Karan, who is deaf and mute, saw his father struggling with his mask and designed an extender to help make daily wear more comfortable.
The hope for this project is that a love for Gurbani will continue to grow in the hearts of all the children.
Karanveer Pannu Is a Champion of Diversity and Tolerance
With Guru ji's blessing may our children continue to tap into the roots of our values, our history, and go on to show us how it can be lived in our modern world and our future.
Guru ji enlightened the Brahmans at the sacred site of the Hariduar river during a holy festival by using humor and challenging preconceived thinking. This is a story that your children will remember their whole lives.
During these testing times we thought it would be ideal to start our YouTube and Instagram channel to entertain families whilst under lockdown
Enjoy the beautiful lesson that Guru Nanak gives in this story and feel free to share the video