In 2019 SikhNet held a children's story script writing competition. The winner in the junior category was Hunar Kaur Bhatia from the UK with her story 'Can Trees Grow Overnight' and it has just now been animated! 

It addresses environmental issues and how we can help mother earth from a Sikhi perspective. The story introduces quite a novel concept: invoking the empathy of Bhai Kanhaiya in order to bring kindness, and greenery, to the world.


In a recent interview with Hunar Kaur about her story she explained that just as wounded soldiers are thirsty for water (which Bhai Kanhaiya ji provided to all equally), so the whole earth is now thirsty for kindness, "The main part of the story was that the earth is really thirsty for seva from us. So we have to take the role of Bhai Kanhaiya ji and feed the earth with kindness." 

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Click image to see video interview

It was a happy task for SikhNet to make this script into an audio story, then the audio story into an animation. We do sincerely hope that projects like these stimulate and inspire our young ones to be our leaders. With Guru ji's blessing may our children continue to tap into the roots of our values, our history, and go on to show us how it can be lived in our modern world and our future. 

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All of the stories are available for free download on SikhNet, and are available on the STORIES APP on either Apple or Google.
Congratulations to Hunar and the Bhatia family for the winning script and now animation: 

Harijot Singh Khalsa

Harijot Singh Khalsa

Harijot Singh is a graduate of Miri Piri Academy. He serves as creator of SikhNet Stories. He has also authored several research pieces on Sikh history as well as offered encouraging messages through his articles.

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