This article provides some indication of how men coped with these conditions...
On this day, celebrating the birth of Bhagat Dhanna, here is a charming story of great devotion.
When we start believing in Guru Sahib’s bani the truth starts unfolding in front of our eyes and our faith becomes stronger. When we start living in faith then peace fills our mind and we start living in high spirits. Guru Sahib’s bani helps us to see the blessings in disguise in adverse situations and positivity fills our life. We get the strength to view our life forward and move with the flow of life.
Those who wish to play the game of love (follow the Guru's path), come to me with your head in your palm. If you wish your feet to travel this path, don't delay in accepting to give your head.
The book presents research from various sources on the topic of Sikh way of life and traditions (Rehat Maryada)
...We also need to remember other aspects of his life and teachings. This article first highlights five aspects of his life, and then covers five of his key teachings. It also draws some lessons from each of them. These could help us reflect on what we might do more of, and do differently, when we honor Guru Nanak.
How to live a healthy, prosperous, truthful and stable life from the ideals of Guru Nanak
‘O’ True King, You removed my doubt. Wah Wah! I have obtained the glimpse of Allah in You.’