What to do when a young couple wants to marry and only one of them is a Sikh but the other is not? Should they be allowed to marry in a gurduara and enjoy the blessings...
From the moment you get engaged (or even before that), it seems everyone has some wedding advice to share. A lot of these tips are helpful! We asked some married Kaurs to share some of their anand karaj advice...
It was Guru who brought us together, and Guru would see it through. Yes, make a plan and get things done, but stop trying to control the outcome.
Teenagers who attend religious services with one or both of their parents are more likely to feel greater well-being while romantic partners who pray for their “significant others” experience greater relationship commitment, according to new research.
What if you want to do something crazy? Something that not many people have even considered before? What if you want to break with tradition, completely? That’s exactly what Shawn Singh Tucker and Baljit “Bally” Kaur Lehal did during their Anand Karaj this summer in Atlanta, GA. “We walked side-by-side during our lavan,” said Shawn.
The Sikh Council (UK) have developed a consistent approach towards marriages in Gurdwaras where one partner is not of Sikh origin.
Guru Amar Das Ji writes, "They are said to be husband and wife, not who merely sit together. They alone are called husband and wife, who have one light in two bodies," (Guru Granth Sahib, Ang 788.)
Each of us must look within and be honest with our self about our relationships, whether it is a mixed culture relationship or wanting to get married at a time that suits YOU.
A new book by a marketing lecturer has revealed how young Sikhs in the Western World are searching for their perfect match online. "The Sikh parents we interviewed appeared to be quite accepting of online dating..."
The highest worldly seat of authority for the global Sikh community has directed all of its gurdwaras around the world to not perform same-sex marriages.
I know that Babaji is arranging my marriage, but when will it happen? How will I know who is the right man? What about all the pressure being put on me to get married? Guruka Singh talks about the deeper issues behind these questions.
As you may know in the Indian marriage ceremony dowry plays a very poisonous role behind the curtains. Though it's not out in the open but it does exist and the poor families are victimised by it.
Sikh leaders have advised Gurdwaras in the United Kingdom to cease issuing marriage licenses and performing marriages to prevent possible prosecution under new same-sex marriage legislation.
Queen Elizabeth, proving herself queeniest of all the queens, has given royal approval to same sex marriage, which means it's now officially legal in the UK.
The Bill will extend the legal form of marriage to lesbian, gay and bisexual couples and permit religious groups to perform such marriages should they wish.
On Sunday, as many as 27 couples got married at "Samuhik Vivaha Samagam" (Mass Marriages) under one umbrella at Gurudwara Saheb Barambala in the presence of noted religious heads.
We all have our share of guns and avguns - merits & demerits - the latter mostly hidden from public view but not from us only if we are willing to look within.
May be the times were different in addition to the pervasive influence of traditional Indian hesitation to talk of sexual matters that tended to mask a lot of what may have been happening around us by innuendos, exchange of furtive glances or just switching conversation.
There is an incredible promise of love between those who marry. But there are also thousands of years of exploitation, rape, pain, prejudice and dishonor gathered in our collective subconscious. Men and women both need to do the work to heal themselves so they can honor each other.
When we search for a partner or a mate, each person begins their search with a set of agendas. The agendas are about what “I want” from the other person. Not about what I have to offer another person. From the beginning, we start off wrong ...
The Sikh religion does not believe in 'changing one's religion or conversion;...
Sikh weddings are regularly disrupted by protesters opposed to mixed-faith marriages in gurdwaras, a BBC Asian Network investigation has found.
Nursery nurse, 20, planned to elope with her secret boyfriend who was of a lower caste than her, court heard. Some of Paveet Landa's relatives allegedly briefly imprisoned her boyfriend to try and stop the marriage
According to the latest official data, almost 35,000 children were reported missing in India in 2011 - and over 11,000 of them were from West Bengal. Police estimate that only about 30% of cases are actually reported.
We believe at the heart of every Sikh woman, there are multiple love stories that inhabit the mind, body, and soul. The geography, politics, and social climate of the United States and Canada have shaped these love stories into unique and fascinating narratives.
A group of international leaders, known as The Elders, on Wednesday joined forces with the US secretary of state and UN agencies in the battle against the practice of child marriage.
'The Gospel of Jesus' Wife' A historian of eearly Christianity at Harvard Divinity School has identified a papyrus fragment in the Coptic language that she says contains the first known statement saying that Jesus was married. The fragment also refers to a female disciple.
The three stars and the red-and-blue ribbon on his shoulder strap indicate that M. L. Purushotham is a police inspector. But his unofficial job title might well be this: redeemer of relationships and savior of marriages.
The question is, why insist on a religious wedding when a couple cannot agree on one religio-cultural path in married life. In such unions, religion takes low priority or has no place at all. Why not accept that reality from the outset?
The absence of a provision for divorce in the Anand Marriage Amendment Bill 2012 has sparked a debate among Sikh intellectuals and in the community. The bill was introduced in the Rajya Sabha recently.


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