“When a person sees anyone as an enemy, or a friend, Then his mental understanding lacks steadiness.” This statement fascinates me. The Guru seems to offer that seeing people as friends or enemies is a symptom of an unsteady mind. What does this mean?
When we look at Sikh history, it is fair to say that poverty is not a virtue in Sikh Dharma. Rather, the Gurus created a social climate where people could feel a basic level of security, and then have the opportunity to develop their talents, and earn a living.
Yoga is becoming popular everywhere. Including China! Many yoga students in China have found themselves drawn to the study of Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan. One of their favorite aspects of the yoga is chanting - in particular the practice of chanting Japji Sahib by Guru Nanak.
Between man and God there are two paths: The path of fate and the path of destiny. Those who will give distance to their destiny shall fall into the path of fate.
What the book does first and foremost is bring into vivid focus faces that many of us turn away from on the streets every day - out of shyness or confusion; out of an inability to know how to connect.
What I’ve studied in Sukhmani this year gives me a much clearer context for the last moment of life, that last breath. And it basically comes down to this: Is God good? Or is God everything?
One has to wonder what thoughts Mata Damodari was struggliong with at that moment. Yet, there is much in the image that evokes the insecurity Mataji must have felt about the upcoming wedding.
On Guru Nanak Dev Ji's birthday Rajveer Singh and I had the blessing to speak at the Gurdwara Sahib Petaling Jaya about the Mool Mantra, and how to apply it to your own life.
There is a story in India about an old yogi who spent his life meditating in the mountains. After years of practice, the yogi developed all kinds of powers and special abilities, but in the end, he realized something was missing.
To honor the 25th Anniversary of the Martyrdom of the Akal Takht, Sikh Dharma International would like to invite all sangats who wish to participate to join together and sing the Narayan shabd - Naam Niranjan Neer Narayan. (SGGS Ang 867)