When I meditate on Gurbani, the phrase "Har Naam" often appears. The translation most used in English is, "the Lord's Name." But there is a whole world that gets lost in that translation.
And there is something very positive to be said for an education that brings a "higher power" into the foreground.
During his over 30 years of traveling and teaching around the world, the Siri Singh Sahib gave many talks about the spiritual technology of Sikh Dharma. Some of these talks were video taped.
As the first son of Guru Har Rai, he must have believed that he would inherit the Guruship one day. And probably in his mind he was making his own plans...
Personally, I am humbled and amazed by the time and talent that went into creating the films this year. The theme “onKaur” spoke to a lot of young people. They have given us, in return, a treasure trove of images and stories that celebrate the strength and power of the Sikh and Khalsa women.
Sitting in Guruka Singh's house last week, watching video after video, all of us felt deeply moved and also quite stunned. Stunned at the number of entries. Stunned at the quality of the work. Stunned at how much time, care, effort, thought and energy it took to make each one of these films.
Not the paradise of our fantasy world. But the capacity to take the pressure of life and not lose the connection to an Infinite Spirit that dwells within our hearts, and within everything.
One moment. One touch. One person. It can bring light to the world. It can bring the deepest darkness. On August 5, 2012, a year ago, the Oak Creek Gurdwara in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, experienced the worst and the best of humanity.
I do not have any children of my own. So it is no surprise that I pour all of my mothering instincts into my garden.
Motherhood is not an accident of biology. Somebody has sex with somebody. Somebody gets pregnant. And look – there is life! Birth is the beginning of a very long process. A child needs values. A child needs love. A child needs time and attention.