In order to inspire and connect with our quickly growing global Sangat feel connected Sikh Dharma International has been doing some “Outreach Interviews” – we call members of different communities in the world and touch base with them.
In this third city of this wonderful 10th Lord of Miracles Tour, we land in Lima, Peru to a warm reception by the wonderful Peruvian sangat.
Every year the Mexico City sangat has a Guru Ram Das weekend in the end of September. It is a weekend of sadhana, kirtan, gurdwara, Sikh studies, and lots of kundalini yoga. It is only natural that the 10th Lord of Miracles Tour in Honor of Guru Ram Das was inaugurated this year in Mexico City.
September 20th, 2012 marks the beginning of the 10th Lord of Miracles tour and a decade of service and friendship with the global community. Each year, inspired by the grace and service of Guru Ram Das, we travel the world with a mission to uplift, heal, inspire, and connect with our brothers and sisters across the globe.
When most people think of Argentina the first things that come to mind are Buenos Aires, Tango, and Evita Peron. When I think of Argentina I think of Gauchos (the 'cowboys' of Argentina), I think of food (I have tasted some of the best food in the world here) and I think of our sweet Sangat scattered all over the country.
Pavan Kaur from Argentina debuts her beautiful new album "Akash Bani". Centered around the Bani of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Each track has beautiful sweet musical compositions from various pauri’s (lines) from Japji Sahib.
It is quite a change to see so much respect for their heritage and for the tribes that still exist in the country. It is a very spiritual culture and it may remind some North Americans of the Native American cultures throughout the U.S. and Mexico.
Our 4th city and country on this wonderful Lord of Miracles Tour in Honor of Guru Ram Das was La Paz, Bolivia. La Paz is a city which touches the heavens, resting amid the clouds at 14,000 feet in elevation.
It was a transformational experience for these women and most had tears in their eyes by the end of the class. To know that the ladies from our Sangat in Lima continue with this Seva of teaching these women is an inspiration and is very fortunate for the inmates. It was a great honor for us to visit the prison for all the great work that is being done there.
Chile is such a great country. It stretches several thousand miles from north to south on the Pacific side of the South American continent and only 90 miles east to west. Its eastern flank is the great Andes Mountain range that separates it from Argentina. It is a land forged by fire, earthquakes and volcanoes. And its shape? Like a chile pepper, of course.
The langar initiative began operations on a daily basis on 1 December 2010. One hundred meals are prepared daily in Atma Dev Kaur´s home and are distributed by the volunteers in different places within the Asuncion and Greater Asunción Area..
Like Colombia and Bolivia, the police of Paraguay realize that yoga and breathing techniques are essential to maintaining themselves as not only police but also as human beings. Can you imagine the sight of hundreds of police meditating to "Puta Mata Ki Asis" in Spanish?
The Lord of Miracles Tour in Honor of Guru Ram Das will be traveling to 12 cities in 10 countries throughout Central and South America: Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Argentina, Uruguay, Brasil, Colombia and El Salvador and Guatamala in Central America.
I might have looked incredulous, but I still continued, as I was so curious and happy and excited to learn of his heritage. I continued: "How is that possible?"...He told me that yes, his great-grandfather was Sikh and was the one who had come over to Chile.
No matter what our origins are it is normal to sometimes not recognize the beautiful things that we have in our life.
Ram Das Singh's photo journal finishes up with the last stop of the South American Tour - El Salvador
Ram Das Singh's photo-journal continues as the team lands in Columbia, South America.
Ram Das Singh's photo journal continues on to Brazil
The South American Tour continues to Bolivia with Ram Das Singh's photo journal...
The Lord of Miracles Tour continues - a photo journal from Paraguay
A first-hand report from the land of Tango, Pampas, Gauchos, and the best pizza on this side of the universe.
When we arrived in Santiago, the capital of Chile, we were greeted by its most beautiful sangat.
We had the privilege to visit three prisons for women and teach them Kundalini Yoga which included meditating on the shabad “Puta Mata Ki Asis”. For all of the women, hearing this shabad moved them so emotionally that there was not a dry eye in any of the prisons we visited.
This tour came from the inspiration of Siri Singh Sahib Bhai Sahib Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogiji.
Meet Simmarpal Singh, the Peanut Prince of Argentina.
The Argentines are beautiful, spirited, loving and generous. They are a people with bright faces, indefatigable energy and smiles.
Guarani is the first indigenous language of the Americas that has Jap Ji as well as the other 4 banis translated.
When you look at the pictures be reminded that all of these beautiful people are Brazilian and they have adopted and adapted the Sikh lifestyle in their personal lives.
The dedication of the sangat to Langar Colombia as well as other seva projects is growing and the results are evident.
Lord of Miracles Tour in Mexico - Photo Album
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