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[VIDEO] The last Guru, Guru Gobind Singh, was speaking to a group of Sikhs, and he said, among other things, "I would like for you all to wear a turban."
Never in my wildest dreams I would have imagined meeting His Holiness the Dalai Lama, one of the most respected men and religious leaders in the world.
Sut Siri Akal (a universal Sikh greeting: Lord’s Name is Eternal Truth) Let us take our mind and spirit to a realm Where there is Light and Love, Boundless Benevolence, God’s and ours; Let us give glory to God...
I seemed like the wrong kind of Jew to be there, sitting among Muslims, Sikhs and Jewish-Voice-for-Peace-niks discussing how to combat Islamophobia as allies to the Muslim community. I wasn’t surprised by anyone’s surprise, but I was saddened.
The Dalai Lama saw education and action, not just prayer and hope to transform society, to uplift humanity, to assure justice and human dignity to bring about a change of heart and spirit toward peace and harmony.
If I had been a Christian, I would be a preacher, she said to me. You are - you have found your way! I replied. Valarie Kaur is easily one of the best speakers I have ever heard...
Members of “other religions” (a category that includes Sikhs, Wiccans and Unitarian Universalists) are also expected to continue growing.
The Parade was a riot of color and joyful pride; a display of community hospitality and vitality; tomorrow's innovations today, promising spirit; and travel into the realms of sheer fun and imagination.
The Asian American Coalition of Chicago (AACC) along with the host community the Chinese Americans of Illinois joined together in celebrating the month of May as Asian American & Pacific Islanders Heritage Month
We are seeing a new generation come forward—tempered by the realities that they have experienced, dreaming about the possibilities that this world presents and committed to social justice in this nation and around the world.
Our programs offer opportunities to cultivate a sense of meaning and purpose through spiritual, ethical, and moral exploration and engagement. June 11th at 3:00 PM at Rollins Chapel
But we are not alone in our love of hair. By educating ourselves about the stories of our neighbours and nations that have come before us, we can see that while our fight to maintain our distinctive identity is noble, it is hardly unique.
EcoSikh also served “Guru ka Langar - free meal” after the tree plantation event for all the volunteers who had come to be a part of this activity. Other groups included volunteers from Girls Scouts and University of Maryland.
The segment emphasizes how Sikhs have stood strong with American and Sikh egalitarian values by not turning racial discrimination away from themselves and deflecting it towards Muslims.
The Sikh tradition is all about love. We love the entire world because we believe that our Creator inhabits all of Creation equally. We believe that love inspires us to serve those around us...
[VIDEO] There is need for a deep moral motivation for change - religion can continue to be a powerful part of the solution. This challenge has injected a new urgency into the dialogue between religions.”
Vilayatvali Janamsakhi, records a beautiful conversation between Guru Ji and Shaikh Ibrahim. During those times holy men used to express their feelings in verse.
Dr. Tarunjit Singh Butalia has been selected as the 2016 recipient of the Luminosa Award for Unity,.... The Focolare movement pays tribute through this award to Butalia’s decades of work in...
The purpose of the meeting was to strengthen working relationships with legislators, and to make them aware of PAVE's commitment to civic engagement...
Realising that the child was a blessing from doing selfless service at the Gurdwara Sahib which Bhai Avtar Singh allowed him to do, the Highlanders decided to name their child 'Avtar Singh'.
India Defense calls a chaplain as Religious Teacher (RT). Apart from the general duties of a chaplain a Sikh Chaplain would be able to bring Sangat to all Sikh members of the US Armed Forces.
[VIDEO] “I love the fact that we’ve got people coming [back] each year now because they love the event so much,” said Jaskeerat Singh. “The best part was that they remembered.”
I was filled with doubt through much of my training that a Punjabi born, turban and bana wearing Sikh man would be accepted into this field and into patient rooms.
A small village in Jagraon has set an example of communal harmony, a Sikh majority village, with a lone Muslim family, has helped renovate an over century old mosque.
Sikh pilgrims usually visit the shrine during the birthday celebrations of Guru Nanak too. I was curious to know what brought Sikhs to a Muslim saint's shrine, so I asked a few of them.
The Center for Interfaith Cooperation (CIC) honored long-time Indiana resident Kanwal Prakash Singh with the 2016 Interfaith Ambassador of the Year Award at a Gala Celebration...
We are grateful to you, Creator, for bringing us together this morning. As always, we are grateful for our breath, our life, our loved ones, and all the privileges that we enjoy. Let us never take your gifts for granted.
Not a single seat was empty at The Forum at the Santa Fe University of Art and Design on Sunday afternoon where 10 Muslim women on a panel were preparing to answer questions about their faith.
What's going on is scape-goating of the Muslim community and by default other communities and that's flawed. We don't have to look far back in our history to see how disastrous this is...
The pizza project is just one effort local Sikhs have made to contribute to the community. Leaders at the Selma temple emphasize this is just one aspect of their faith they hope more will learn about.


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