News: Sikh Captain America's Cartoon Bio Is Going To Be Epic

This September marks 20 years since the attacks of 9/11. Although we’re all aware of the tragic time in our country’s history, many are still oblivious to the ripple of hate crimes that have followed. With this project our team aims to fight the negative stereotypes that continue to exist against turban and bearded Americans and to challenge perceptions of what an American looks like.

News: Balwinder Kaur Reminisces about Competing in the 1980 Olympics

Balwinder Kaur, aAt 21 years old, helped her team place fourth which, until the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, was the best the Indian Women’s Field Hockey team had ever done.
Lakhpreet Kaur

Lakhpreet Kaur

Lakhpreet's personal purpose is to help create a more just, compassionate, sustainable, and creative world, specifically through healing the environment, advocating for Sikh rights, and promoting women's empowerment while embracing beauty and humor.

News: Afghanistan Response

We are saddened by the violence in Afghanistan, and grateful for those who have recently been rescued. In addition, we call on our communities to be vigilant and exercise caution due to the potential for backlash against Sikhs. 
Gurumustuk Singh Khalsa

Gurumustuk Singh Khalsa

Founder & Former CEO - The oldest & largest Sikh web service & organization serving over 7 millions users from around the world

News: My Role Models in School and College Days

I am grateful to Daljit Bajwa (91) and his wife Guddy Bajwa for providing salient features of the biography of his illustrious father, Bal Singh Bajwa, who was my Role Model in school days. I owe my thanks to Prem Singh Kahlon and his wife Darshan Bhatti Kahlon for the supply of material for collating the biography of Prem Kahlon, my Role Model in College days.
Hardev Singh Virk

Hardev Singh Virk

Dr. Hardev Singh writes on science and religion.

News: Raising Awareness About Our Farmers One Book At A Time

All proceeds from the story go to non-profit organizations.  From May 27th to August 31st, 50% of the proceeds go to 5 Rivers Heart Association and Khalsa Aid India, and 50% go to Hands2Inspire to continue spreading awareness about the farmers protest.  Beginning September 1st, all proceeds will continue to go to Hands2Inspire to host events in the United States. 

News: Oxford PhD Sikh Student Writes Children’s Book to Help Grow Self-Esteem Among Kids

“With the platform I have today, my greatest dream this year was to produce something that will grow and impact children in a tangible way. Growing up as a Sikh South Asian girl in Colorado Springs, Colorado, I wanted nothing more than to blend-in with my peers. Fast forward a few years – my individuality is what I cherish the most about my life’s journey,” says Singh.

News: Toppling of Maharaja Ranjit Singh Statue in Lahore & Ghani’s regime in Afghanistan

We have a delicate job of safeguarding, protecting these fledgling tangibles as well as intangible assets for our future generation. Let us pray and make some concrete efforts to safeguard those.
BHupinder Singh, TX, USA

Bhupinder 'Bo' Singh

Writer on Spirituality and topics related to Sikhi.

News: Bringing Clarity to the Afghanistan Crisis and What it Means for Sikhs

In such sensitive times it is important for the world-wide Sikh community to be aware that the Sikh turban and beard may be confused with media images of Taliban leaders who have a similar appearance.
Sukhmandir Kaur Khalsa

Sukhmandir Kaur Khalsa

Sukhmandir has written hundreds of articles on topics related to Sikhism and has co-written and and edited several books on the Gurmat teachings and Naam Simran meditation. 

News: Guru Nanak’s God

Five centuries ago Guru Nanak began his mission by alerting people against this clergy-made God. Instead, he preached God as a virtual reality in all creation. Thus, the God of Guru Nanak is associated with and realized through a genuine appreciation of the natural designs that flourish within and around us.
Dr. Bhai Harbans Lal

Dr. Bhai Harbans Lal

Dr. (Bhai) Harbans Lal is a distinguished Pharmacologist and a recognized scholar of Sikhism. Professor Lal has been published in all the major Sikh journals. His present interests lie in promoting Sikh Studies in North America.


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