Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, May Darwin be with you—what is the best seasonal greeting? What if they are all fine? That’s the sentiment behind a new book that treats the winter holiday season for what it has become for many people, an intercultural, inter-religious celebration.
The World Sikh Council – America Region (WSC-AR) participated in the National Scout Jamboree held by the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) at the Summit Bechtel Reserve in West Virginia...
Yolo County’s Multicultural Community Council (MCC) held a forum on Muslims and Sikhs on Thursday — the first in a series of public forums aimed to foster understanding and appreciation of local cultures.
A well organized Conference was held in the famous Mozes and Aaron Church of Amsterdam by Ahmediyya Muslim Jamat of Netherlands on 26th. of February 2011 where representatives of Muslims, Sikhism Christian, Jewish, Buddhism and Hinduism attended in large numbers and the conference was addressed under the theme," The Right and Duties of Humanity in the Life,"...
Asked to reflect on the few hours she and about 20 other visitors spent there Sunday, as part of the United Religious Community of St. Joseph County’s “Walks in Faith” program, Coleman said she was struck more by what the two denominations have in common.
You are not a Sikh if you are so small-minded that you can not listen to other peoples point of view. Yes, it is Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s command that Sikhs, that all Sikhs will bow to Guru Granth Sahib Ji as their Guru but Guru Sahib Ji never commanded that we shall go deaf to all others.
"We resolve to strengthen religious harmony through mutual tolerance, confidence, respect and understanding," says the declaration of the council members of the Inter-Religious Organisation (IRO) of Singapore.
"We believe in only one God who wants all mankind to be united," stated Bhai Piara Singh, head grantha or chief priest at the Gurdwara Nanak Shahi temple stated.
The Sikh Religious Society of Chicago hosted an open house on June 14 for the Palatine neighborhood non-Sikh community.
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