With this episode Guruka Singh explores the final virtue of love or Piaar and reflects on what it means to live in that virtue. Everything in the universe is manifested from that source we call Ik Onkar.
The only place we can look for love is inside ourselves. Guruka Singh explains when I look at you with infinite eyes, I see the light and love in you, then how can I do anything but love you?
Click on the following links to watch the rest of the series.
An Introduction to Japji Sahib
Episode 2: The First Virtue of Sat or Truth
Episode 3: The Second Virtue of Daya or Compassion
Episode 4: The Third Virtue of Santokh or Contentment
Episode 5: The Fourth Virtue of Humility or Nimrata
The Five Virtues of Japji Sahib are part of our "Inspirations Videos" content for SikhNet and are made possible by your support. A sincere thank you from all of us at SikhNet for allowing us to continue to do so.