Although people of color and some Muslims are still seen on the runway, there is one particular group that is constantly overlooked in all aspects of entertainment and fashion industry: the American Sikh.
Among the women on the list are District Judge Jasvender Kaur and Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore Senior Assistant Director Corporate Communications Satwinder Kaur.
[VIDEO] The last Guru, Guru Gobind Singh, was speaking to a group of Sikhs, and he said, among other things, "I would like for you all to wear a turban."
Without this knowledge of the Sikh-American community, though, misconceptions and hate crimes run rampant. While there are many avenues to address this, a simple start for Sikh Americans is to get involved.
"The Sikh community is United States is grateful to President Obama for his steadfast support to the community. They have gone out of their way to express their solidarity with the community during the very difficult time and the subsequent years."
Local community members, led by youth, are marking the anniversary this year with a 6K race/walk and services in Oak Creek. They will also be recognizing the victims of the Orlando massacre earlier this summer.
In honor of the 4th anniversary of the Oak Creek Sikh massacre we are talking about hate and discrimination against Sikhs in the west and specifically USA.
Five years after he was shot to death by enemy fighters in Afghanistan, Marine Cpl. Gurpreet Singh’s bedroom is still decorated in red, white and blue. His dress uniform hangs in his closet with medals pinned to its left breast.
At its core, I think journalism is important, particularly in democratic societies, because it can act as an accountability mechanism for public figures and processes that affect everyone. In my opinion, one of the reasons GPI’s work is important is because it works to make sure that more people are included in developing that accountability mechanism.
We decided that it was important to share positive stories that embody the true Sikh-American experience 15 years after 9/11. Sikhs are so much more than victims of profiling, backlash and hate crimes,” the photographers told BuzzFeed.
"It will promote awareness and tolerance in the community for the Sikhs,” Atwal said. It's a dedication five years in the making, with the help of Amar Shergill, of the American Sikh Public Affairs Association.
“generations of Sikh American history that embodies perseverance and progress as we commemorate the 15-year anniversary of 9/11,” according to The Sikh Coalition’s website.
"After the turban controversy in 2014, all Sikh players, including me, cut our hair. But for the past one year, I have been growing my hair."
150 Sikhs of Salt Lake City came together to support National Sikh Campaign’s media initiative to educate Americans about Sikhs and Sikhism.
[VIDEO] "We have to find ways to use compassion to build bridges despite our differences. Ta-Nehisi does it through writing. I do it through cartoons and costume play.
Western Australia's rich Sikh history will come to life thanks to the addition of interpretive panels along the Australian Sikh Heritage Trail in Riverton.
Twenty-four people with leather jackets and a common goal recently mounted their motorcycles and rode across Canada in an effort to raise money and awareness for pediatric cancer.
“This is our chance to be brutally honest, and I do mean brutally honest, with ourselves to fix what’s broken, to right what’s wrong and begin to lay a foundation upon which our grandchildren can build..."
A sea of orange glided through Middlesbrough town centre today to the sound of drums for the annual Sikh parade.
Earlier this week, AB2845 was unanimously passed out of committee and will be voted on in the upcoming months. If passed, it will be a significant step forward in better protecting Sikh children in schools all across California.
“There is a recognised acceptance with Islamophobia that this is a thing, this is not acceptable, but we fall through the cracks. We’re a smaller community and we’re not as good at advocating as other religious groups.”
For those who think it’s just a meaningless joke, last year when this happened, several news outlets in Europe published his photo and named him as a suspect.
To two different families, Narendra is more than a bus operator, he is a hero who located two missing children this past long weekend.
The next day, ABC 7 News and the caption transcription firm apologized for their mistake (Terrorist i/o Tourist), and vowed to work with the Sikh Coalition to air a positive story about the Sikh American community in Chicago in the coming weeks.
They will have covered about 10,000 kilometres by the end of their journey. The public is invited to come out and meet the club’s riders on Sunday.
A 28-year-old man has been arrested by local police for allegedly calling an Indian-American small business owner a "terrorist" and then breaking into his home and threatening his family with a knife.
The Punjabi American Heritage Society of Yuba City and various Sikh Temples in California are honoring renowned journalist Vishwa Mitra Tandon in multiple ceremonies this weekend and coming week.
On Wednesday night, Rep. Mike Honda and Sen. Harry Reid hosted the third annual "Langar on the Hill" in conjunction with Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund (SALDEF).
India is readying to grant citizenship to Hindus and Sikhs who have sought refuge in the country from religious persecution in Pakistan, Bangladesh or Afghanistan.
A new website which aims to build the biggest database on the Sikh experience in World War I has gone live as part of a worldwide crowd-sourcing initiative.


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