I go about everyday with someone giving me “the look”. It’s either xenophobia or curiosity. You might expect that I probably get disheartened but what I see is Guru Gobind Singh ji’s grace working. I’m standing out and with a purpose.
Hukam, 16, and Mahavir Singh Nerwan, 15, decided to start the society after they noticed a “lack of knowledge” of the Sikh religion among their friends and peers.
With three-time defending champion Shibahara graduating, the door is ajar for Kaur in 2016. Winning the CIF-SS individual tournament isn’t easy for anybody, but Kaur has landed herself in the conversation for next season.
[VIDEO] "We made this song because sikhs are mistreated in India." Three teenage girls, not professional singers, just 13 year old girls trying to make a difference.
Many teen boys and teen girls have biases against female leaders in powerful professions such as politics. Many teen girls have biases against other teen girls as leaders, and many teens perceive their peers as biased against female leaders. Further, the research suggests that some mothers have implicit biases against teen girls as leaders.
On July 23, 2013, the San Jose Interfaith Youth Council visited the Sikh community in Espanola, New Mexico. The teenagers on the Youth Council represented many different faiths. SikhNet.com hosted their visit and shared stories about the first Sikh Master, Guru Nanak, and his Interfaith beginnings.
“I wish the Junior Sikh Coalition was around when I was in school. Things may have been different for me then,” Premi said.
While Burgdoerfer may try to sell the notion that Victoria’s Secret is only responding to market demands for middle school lingerie, it was just a few years ago, that Victoria’s Secret claimed they would never try to appeal to a pre-adolescent market. “We don’t market to that age group,” said Anthony Hebron, a Victoria’s Secret spokesman.
Miri means commanding the earthly plane and being successful on the earth. Piri means commanding the spiritual plane connecting with your spirit.
After successfully connecting with the youth through Gurmat Crash Courses, Weekly Kirtan programs and Gurmat Picnics, GGSSC Canada Youth Wing has officially come out with a new concept – THE GURMAT CONNECTION. The Gurmat Connection 1 was held at Ontario Khalsa Darbar, Dixie Road.
One in seven girls in developing countries is married before her 15th birthday—often to a man twice her age or older. Decisions about if and when to marry a girl are often made without her input, and sometimes without her knowledge. Child marriage puts girls, some as young as seven or eight, at risk of problems that will impact the rest of their lives.
New research suggests that the road to high school popularity can be treacherous, and that students near the top of the social hierarchy are often both perpetrators and victims of aggressive behavior involving their peers...
I hope to initiate a public dialogue among members of the Punjabi Sikh community about adolescent suicide and suicide-related behaviors, a topic that has been silenced in the past due to cultural stigma.
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