People were over thrilled after the event and hopefully would now be able to relate more to their new Sikh friends and their commitment towards Sikhism.
Our Super Star Alumni of the week Mandeep Kaur, an Amrit-Dhari Sikhni has broken free off all the shackles of an abrasive society that is infamous for its disparities against women.
Over the course of 3 days - various Sikh scholars presented to the delegates -bringing them closer to their beliefs and values. About 45 attended and there was a sense of mutual respect, thankfulness and belonging towards each other. It worked as a great source of networking as some of them only met another Sikh for the very first time - who is serving the same country.
It started with the moments of shyness in all - wanting to say something but not sure how to express ourselves to each other. As contrary to first day- when they were asked what would they like to say before going home as the answer was - we want another day here! So there was a sense of extended family in the whole congregation.
The relationship between the Sikh faith and service in the Armed Forces was boosted at a seminar at the Nishkam Centre in UK.
“It gives me huge satisfaction looking at people here, integrating with each other, discussing various issues openly and honestly without judgment, and relishing the bliss of Naam together."
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