The fourth annual Sikh Conference started on 14th May and concluded on 16th May at AFCC Amport House. Service men and women across three services attended- some with their families as well. It was hosted and organized by Mandeep Kaur- Sikh Chaplain to the Military. It started with the moments of shyness in all - wanting to say something but not sure how to express ourselves to each other. As contrary to first day- when they were asked what would they like to say before going home as the answer was - want another day here! So there was a sense of extended family in the whole congregation.
Conference consisted of various range of sessions ranging from Diversity in Military by Gp Capt Pemberton to self discussions on various current practices and issues that service personnel come across. His honour Sir Mota Singh Judge QC also attended along with other dignitaries including The Ven Robbins- The Chaplain General and representatives from Navy and RAF. Operational Experiences were shared by Sikh Service personnel with others. Gatka ( Sikh Martial Arts ) were performed by Bhai Uptej Singh rattan and team which further instilled the Saint Soldier spirit in all delegates.
Mandeep Kaur said "On last day in an open forum- everyone was asked to give their feedback and some of the views were as follows: lot stronger character, extended family feeling, great educational experience, reminder of joining forces, reminder of cause of life, back in line to my roots, feeling of belonging, de stressed and ready to perform best in my work life".
The air was emotional before departure and I felt immensely satisfied and relieved. I was amazed to see how much there was the need to pray together and contemplate. Thanks to God for giving us such a spiritual, blissful and successful time together. Also we ask Sangat for their blessings for ongoing Sewa.