"When held up to the light, the Army’s reasons for denying Mr. Singh’s religious accommodation crumbled," said Heather Weaver, Senior Staff Attorney in the ACLU's Program on the Freedom of Religion and Belief.
If a Muslim woman may wear a headscarf at work, as the U.S. Supreme Court has now affirmed, perhaps a Sikh man should be able to wear a turban while serving in the U.S. military.
Their devotion to duty and their splendid loyalty to their orders and to their leaders make a record their nation should look upon with pride for many generations.
In April 2015, the U.S. Army released new rules that will make it easier for observant Sikhs to request religious accommodations for their articles of faith.
The visiting historian and heritage expert addressed the gathering on the role of Sikh soldiers during WW-I. His first Amritsar visit, which he described as absolutely important and wonderful, coincided with the 100th anniversary of the martyrdom of Sikh soldiers at The WW-I,...
He said contribution of Sikhs as martial race were immense and their stories of valor and sacrifice were still remembered in parts of his country Belgium and others.
National Sikh Council of Australia opened a weeklong exhibition on the contribution of Sikh Soldiers in World War I & II at Parramatta Town Hall, Parramatta to commemorate centenary of Gallipoli.
“They were all 6ft + and they is no way you would have argued with them”. I have so many stories about the reputation of the Sikhs as a fighting force it is hard to know where to begin.
Angad Singh, of Glebe Road, Finchley, and his friend Satnam Singh, 38, who lives in Slough, took on the Brighton Marathon to raise money for the UK Punjab Heritage Association.
[VIDEO] This well produced documentary is about Sikhs in the U.S. military and their struggle to be accepted in to service. It is fascinating to see the huge effort that went into these men finally making it.
Nihang Sikhs are a particular sect of Sikhism. They are essentially one of the last existing traditions of modern-day warriors. The word Nihang literally means crocodile. They describe themselves as the “Akaali,” which means undying or immortal army.
"The history of Sikhs affords many instances of their value as soldiers, but it may be safely asserted that nothing finer than the grim valour and steady discipline displayed by them on the 4th June has ever been done by soldiers of the Khalsa.”
Pictures have been unveiled of a new permanent memorial in honour of the Indian soldiers who fought during WWI. it will commemorate around 130,000 Sikh soldiers who fought in the Great War.
Describing Sikh soldiers as fearless and fearsome warriors to their faith, British Home Secretary, Theresa May, said, they made an “incalculable positive contribution to world history, boldly fighting injustice, tyranny and oppression”.
IT is not widely known that almost a million Indians fought on the side of Britain during the First World War. ...in the year that the 100th anniversary of the start of the First World War, the Sikh community in Derby has decided to pay its own tribute.
[VIDEO] With only three Sikhs serving in the U.S. military, Hofstra University sophomore Iknoor Singh is challenging the Army to change its policies and allow him to enlist...
[VIDEO] In terms of numbers, the Sikh contribution was disproportionately great: they formed 20% of the Indian Army even though they were only 1% of the Indian population in 1914.
People from communities across the city and county came together to remember the sacrifices of Sikh and Commonwealth servicemen 100 years ago.
Kanwar Singh's latest painting titled, "Stand on Guard for Thee" reflects on the role of Sikhs during World War I.... This work represents a foray into the contemporary period of Sikh Military history for the artist
The Sikh Heritage Museum of Canada (SHMC) - A Canadian organization celebrating the unique culture, history and legacy of Sikh Canadians and creating a tribute to the historical significances of the Sikh community.
Not only has the British army acknowledged (at last) and but even the British mainstream media has woken up to that historical fact. No longer are the Sikhs lost in generalised labels like “Indians” or “Asians”. They stand tall as “Sikhs”.
IFA from the very beginning has been instrumental in honouring the brave who without caring for their lives sacrificed them at the altar of their country.
The Sikh experience in the First World War will be the focus of a special, one-day exhibit happening later this month in Malton as part of Doors Open Mississauga.
The initiative is spearheaded by the "Sikhs At War" project as part of its legacy efforts to create British-Sikh heritage initiatives and ensure the Sikh sacrifice is never forgotten. The project produces films and shares its research via its website
We are proud that Sikh Nation has helped the international Community twice in the 20th Century. They have died in large numbers for all of us for our freedom and better future. We now live with dignity, honor and pride.
[VIDEO] Lance Corporal Harmeet Singh, 23, currently based at Northallerton, can be seen on TV screens paying tribute to a fallen soldier bearing the same surname. Lance Corporal Singh, who married wife Ramandeep Kaul in March this year, shocked his family when he decided virtually overnight three years ago that he was joining the Army.
The book admirably chronicles the rise of the Sikhs and the constant universal theme of their valour and sacrifice in defence of their faith, around the world, in the armed forces of many countries they made their own and in the defence of many more.
“Go to war not for the sake of goods or gold, not for your homeland or for honor, nor to seek the death of your enemies, but to strengthen your character, to strengthen it in power and will, in habits, custom and earnestness. That is why I want to go to war.”
The story of the British Indian army on the Western Front starts on 6th August 1914. On that day, the War Council asks the Indian government to send two infantry divisions and a cavalry brigade to Egypt. The divisions chosen were the Lahore and the Meerut Divisions, later followed by the Secunderabad Cavalry Brigade which together formed the Indian Army Corps.
British artist Richard Caton Woodville, Jr, has engraved Indian troops charging the German trenches at Neuve Chapelle. Artifacts, including uniforms and gallantry medals, are on display and playing on loop is a rare archive film footage that projects the first Sikh fighter pilot Hardit Singh Malik. Folk songs of wives left home by the soldiers are also printed on a panel.


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