Exempting turban-wearing Sikhs from wearing helmets at most workplaces in Northern Ireland will be “troubling” and “offensive” to many people, claims the MP for Shipley.
A Hobart man wants the law changed so men from the Sikh religion can ride motorbikes wearing their turbans rather than helmets.
Transport Minister Scott Emerson has just announced that Queensland's bicycle helmet laws will be ammended to provide exemptions on the basis of religious headwear - such as turbans.
Avoided $100 fine in court because his faith demands he wear a turban in public.
A Brisbane cyclist who refuses to wear a helmet because of his faith has escaped a penalty
23 year old Sikh, Jasdeep Atwal, has been cycling on Brisbane streets for over a decade but has only recently been singled out by council for riding helmetless, due to his religious beliefs.
In India, law often takes a back-seat as far as religious sensibilities are concerned.
"For us, this is no more a safety issue as it has already been approved in British Columbia, Manitoba, some states in the U.S. and also in England," said Baljit Singh Ghuman, chair of the CSA. "This is more a human rights issue."
Home Depot manager said he could fire guard who refused to take off turban, rights tribunal hears
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