The shimmering light that suddenly illuminates the black cell and the man with a crown of thorns and wounds on his hand and feet, who sits down next to Bhai Maharaj Singh and compassionately and puts him on his lap, like his mother Mary once put him on her lap...
Turning the wheels with the condemned men on them so they can be mauled by the knives is hard and tiring work for the executioners. What has destroyed their song so much that they are willing to do this work and have quenched all pity within themselves?
Mahapurkh asked them: "Singho today you have given me darshan, will there come a time when you come to the earth and openly reveal yourself?"
The founder leader of Shaheed Misl, Baba Deep Singh, was the blessed personality of Sikhism. The young Baba Deep Singh remained under the divine grace of Guru Gobind Singh at Anandpur Sahib, where he was given special training in the philosophy of scriptures and armament. His deep understanding of Sikh scripture (Gurubani ) and Armament helped him in accomplishing his personality as a great Sikh scholar and brave warrior of Sikh history.
No words will ever strike the right note for such unjust suffering. A silent bow to the pain and this superhuman strength? This also will not suffice. And in addition there is a sorrow that will never cease, for Bhāī Matī Dās Jī's death at the Cāndnī Cauṅk on November 8, 1675 put an end to his suffering, but Sikhs will never cease to feel the resulting pain.
Farukhasaiyer, had had 700 Sikhs rounded up and brought to Delhi, where they were to be executed. Among these innocent woeful men there was a boy hardly eighteen years old. To his mother he was still a child, her boy, tender as a rose...
Bhai Balwant Singh Rajoana has shaken the Sikhs. From London to Ludhiana, from Surrey to San Francisco, Sikhs are showing that the spirit of the community is not dead. We are not so focused on elections, careers, wealth, and family to forget the soul of the nation.
Sikhs have continued to celebrate the legacy of Bhai Meva Singh every year since 1915. Several Sikh temples and organizations across British Columbia will be holding events in the memory of Bhai Meva Singh Ji this week.
To commemorate the exemplary sacrifice of four Sahibzada’s of Guru Gobind Singh Ji, a special ten days program was chalked out by Gurdwara Sahib Singh Sabha Revesby in Sydney.
the initiative started at the golden temple to give away sampling as 'Buta Parshad' to newly wedded, expecting women and parents of newly born daughter, is launched for three days here at Gurudwara Fatehgarh Sahib.
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