This is the work of countless others that we have inherited. Their work has improved life on Mother Earth. This is a debt on our heads. How do we plan to pay for this largesse is the question.
Sikh Asian Indians have high rates of diabetes. Community health workers can effectively address health disparities via adapted programs that take into account Sikh traditions and culture. Programs should cover aspects such as stigma surrounding mental health problems, healthy traditional recipes, and activities embraced in Sikhism.
Langgar in many Gurdwaras today feeds the well-fed, is sometimes catered by an outside group and we see different foods being served to different groups. The needy are often those outside the Gurdwara location and they may like a different type of food than the ones we prefer.
By spending more and more time alone and in silence, it is possible to bring about awareness of ourselves, starting with 'What am I?' and arriving at 'Who am I?'
ਹੈ ਇਹ ਨੂਰ ਦਾ ਜਾਦੂ, ਹੈ ਇਹ ਨੂਰੀ ਸਾਧੂ। ਹੈ ਇਹ ਜੋਤ ਦਾ ਪ੍ਰਕਾਸ਼, ਹੈ ਇਹ ਨਾਮ ਦਾ ਆਗਾਜ਼।
There is no functioning lending library in Bangla Sahib, Rakabganj or any other gurduara anywhere in this wide world that I know of. Dear readers, before you take umbrage at my angst keep in mind that the operative idea here is “functioning lending library.”
All of these lessons I have come to embrace and recognise in my 26 years of existence as an evolving Kaur. Like little notes to Self, I hope they serve you too.
The origin of Hindu-Sikh divide goes back to the day when Guru Nanak as a young boy of 10 years refused to wear the janeu, the ceremonial thread being worn by all Hindus.
Fortunately, our conversation with God is not meant to be one-way. The scripture gives us general guidance, but not precise rules. Hence, Sikhs have a lot of personal discretion – and hence also great personal responsibility – for learning the core messages of Gurbani. In understanding and then applying the message of Gurbani in our daily lives, it is also expected that questions would arise in our minds.
Recently I came across 6 Sanskrit meanings of the word ‘teacher’ which put that lofty word ‘Guru’ in a new light for me because ‘our’ Guru is quite unique. I also remembered a discussion with my Sikhi
mentor, the late S. Joginder Singh Ji, a founding member of the SNSM, Sikh Naujawan Sabha Malaysia, of the prefix ‘gur’ in a few pivotal Sikhcentric words leading towards our ‘Guru’.