Over 250 members of the Sikh community from all over the DC and East Coast took part in this event.
Let there be no misunderstanding. The establishment of the Sikh Chair at Birmingham University is a most welcome next step in the area of Sikh studies in the UK. However, British Sikhs would wish to satisfy themselves regarding community involvement and transparency in the light of community experience of such chairs in Canada and the USA.
Just as followers of Guru Nanak strive to create calming spaces in their homes and partake in activities to protect the environment, many of them believe in keeping the air pure and unpolluted. However, with rising levels of pollution and higher humidity levels, this can prove to be difficult.
Gurbani says that God can infuse life even in an inanimate body. Is Guru ji talking about a miracle here? The universe is so vast and we are acquainted with just an iota of it, and with our material intellect can we say that we understand all that is happening in the universe?
When I first came upon the Basics of Sikhi videos I was impressed with how personable Jagraj Singh was. He was so raw and also sweet. I said to myself that I will meet this brother some day.
The real revelation was written directly by Guru Gobind Singh.
This essential purpose of fulfillment is becoming the primary preoccupation of every conscientious person.
He lived by the principle of ‘service before self’ and believed that one should employ all means necessary to help people. One’s last resort should be picking up the weapon but if that is required, one should not hesitate.
Helping your Sikh elder to navigate their nutritional needs can be a challenging endeavor, though there are ways to do so successfully. By taking their dietary restrictions and needs into account and considering meal delivery kit services (or even preparing the meals yourself), you can successfully ensure that your loved one stays healthy through a well-rounded diet.
Sikhs are kind and thoughtful. Sikhs are helpful and considerate. Sikhs are those who are help people in need. Sikhs are those who treat all human race as one.