Towering above fellow Sikhs many years his senior, Bhai Sahib lived an exemplary life of service and good humour until his passing a car crash - on the way to India - at the age of 19. This is his story told in the words of people who knew, loved and respected Dayal Singh, and in nearly 100 photos of his brief life as a Sikh in America and India in the early 1970s. Written by Sikhnet contributor Singh Sahib Guru Fatha Singh Khalsa.
After detailing some shocking instances of historic racism Angad shares his perspective as a child who watched headlines after 9/11, "As a 2nd grader I realized that I was more scared of the poeple who claimed to love America than those who hijacked the planes. It felt like every other month I was reading headlines about someone's parents being killed at work, grandparents being beat up while taking a walk, or kids my age having thier turbans set on fire at school."
Puran Singh’s Century-old Advice To Sikhs.
In 2013 Doctor Dua notably his discovery of a layer of the eye which has been named "Dua's Layer", a medical breakthrough that has enabled ophthalmologists to greatly increase patient outcomes.
After several more victories he narrowly escaped with his life when his plane was ambushed and received 450 hits, one of which hit his leg. He was found unconscious after crash landing in allied territory.
Perhaps the most glaring example to demonstrate the struggle is a cultural one and it is between authoritarianism vs the will of the people is that of Nodeep Kaur.
The newly elected president of the U.S. Biden has seemed to make a point in creating a more diverse administration. This Kaur was selected as his...
For the past year I have been preparing a series of new paintings inspired by the upcoming 350th birth anniversary of Guru Gobind Singh ji. The new work is focused on the principle of Khalsa consciousness....
The Sikhs 100 is an annual ranking and documents profiles of some of the most influential members of the community from around the world