The fact is, everyone is born a Sikh, because everyone is born to learn and understand reality. Some become Christians, some become Jews, some become Buddhists, some pretend that they are Sikhs, and a very few remain true Sikhs.
Amrit Vela Sadhana (Naam Japna) has always been one of the three cores of Sikhi along with right livelihood (Kirat Karni) and sharing with everyone (Vand Chakna.) All three are required for us to live a balanced life.
Yesterday’s hukamnama touched on temporal love. Guru said that man drowns in it. When do we know that our love is divine rather than temporal? Certainly a marriage ceremony alone is not enough.
The researchers found that after the yoga exercise, the participants' cognitive performance had improved much more compared to after their aerobic sessions or at baseline.
All over the world, millions of people practice yoga to find spiritual insight or better health. But very few know of yoga’s goals and means of transforming body and consciousness and its profound philosophical underpinnings.
Whether you are in recovery or just want an authentic class with a master teacher who practices what he preaches, Tommy Rosen is here to help. I'm grateful that he survived to share his story and gifts with the world.
Tommy's mission now is to "pass the things I've learned to anyone who is looking for tools to overcome the energy of addiction and to build a life of meaning, purpose and fulfillment."
Can yoga help reduce the stress that makes you look and feel older than your years? Does yoga help elevate your mood and make you mentally sharper? Will meditation enhance your spiritual outlook or give you a sense of peace and calm? As a Harvard neuro-scientist and a yoga practitioner for more than 40 years, I'm pleased to tell you the answers are a resounding "yes."
I had noted a secret aversion for Yoga in the minds of the Sikhs, scattered in different parts of the world. This aversion had been born because of the efforts of some teachers to present Sikhism in the light of traditional Yoga.
Too many times in the game of identity we want to judge people based on what they look like, and there is nothing about Kirantana that is the typical Kundalini Yogi, 99% wear white all the time to teach, and many times, like normal people, have gotten ritualistic and full of rites.
...practicing a certain form of chanting yogic meditation for just 12 minutes daily for eight weeks led to a reduction in the biological mechanisms responsible for an increase in the immune system’s inflammation response.
Researchers looking into the value of adapted yoga for stroke rehabilitation report that after an eight-week program, study participants demonstrated improved balance and flexibility, a stronger and faster gait, and increased strength and endurance.
Five years in the making, The Science of Yoga draws on more than a century of painstaking research to present the first impartial evaluation of a practice thousands of years old.
I became a Sikh when I surrendered to the Guru. This surrender also allowed me to became a Yogi. If you argue that there is a difference, it just means that you haven’t understood each deeply enough.
Father Amorth, a colourful and often outspoken personality, said: 'Practising yoga brings evil as does reading Harry Potter. They may both seem innocuous but they both deal with magic and that leads to evil.'
I found out while watching a scary movie that I hold my breath when I’m afraid. The awareness allowed me to chose to continue breathing when I felt alarmed. I noticed the same once when I was watching a sad movie. I hold my breath to keep my emotions in.
Meera Nanda, visiting professor of history of science at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Mohali, says for most Indians, yoga is a living symbol of their way of life, like apple pie is to Americans. But, she adds, they are unaware that the yoga of today can't claim Vedic antiquity.
Siri Kirpal Kaur's inspiring book is simple, straightforward and unbound by dogma. She explains Sikhi in language anyone can understand and she has a great talent for cutting away confusion, obscurity and controversy. Like the poetry of Puran Singh, this is book written from true love of Sikhi...
On this trip, I’ve seen so many beautiful people with shining faces. People are gracious, generous and sincerely dedicated to their practice. Stories of Yogi Bhajan are always a favorite as their hungry eyes devour the teachings.
These are two of the first scientific studies I have seen that actually show that flexibility exercises, such as yoga and/or pilates might help keep us healthy longer and reduce the incidence of cardiovascular disease. This is very exciting information!
The Guru lies within each of us. It is the compass needle that always points true north – the touchstone of Truth – the conscience of every individual.
With progression of Simran, we soon attain a state of peace, balance and bliss. The first stage is the audible repetition of the Divine Naam. This is called Jaapa.