October 11, 2012:
In the embedded link above, the Rebel in Black Kundalini Yogi, in his powerful aura and in total humility explains “Why do we do this?” as a Yogi and as a former Sikh.

I for one, hold Kirantana in very high respect. He was once a Sikh, and till today he has high respect for the path forged from Guru Nanak to Guru Gobind Singh, and he is also true to his own truth, that this is not his path.

Too many times in the game of identity we want to judge people based on what they look like, and there is nothing about Kirantana that is the typical Kundalini Yogi, 99% wear white all the time to teach, and many times, like normal people, have gotten ritualistic and full of rites.

Whenever we create and ritually follow too many rites we give up a lot of our rights.

Excerpt of what Kirantana says below:

“So why do we do this? And this is a core fundamental idea of Kundalini… you don’t have to be a Sikh, you don’t have to be a Khalsa; but you have to know the attitude, you have to know the philosophy, you have to know the spirit of that because this yoga came out of that and its the proper way to do the yoga, its the way that you Master the yoga, its the way your Siddhis open. That is… that first… this idea coming from the Sikhs is that its the path of Service, you don’t just do this for you, you do this to become an open channel… so something beautiful can come into society… you’re doing it for everybody; and that’s very much the core of the Sikh path, you’re here to serve, not rule.

This yoga is to become that clear channel to allow that dadada that mothership to come in. Nanak, he went into his union and he walked around singing songs, and whatever songs he was singing, that energy, with (Bhai) Mardana, he changed the whole history of the world. He changed the whole history of India just by that, coming from that sound current (Naad), the center of his realization, spreading out. This is before MTV, before applications, before publicity, heh, and at that time in India, you couldn’t even say your own prayers, you had to go to the Brahmin Priest to say your prayers, that’s how fixed conditioning was.

He (Nanak) abolished the caste system, thousands of year old energies behind this from the Brahmins. He (Nanak) gave equal rights to women, unheard of at the time. That all came from opening that vortex with that sound, sound that went out. The idea that later… this idea developed till we get down to the last Guru (in human form) and the Khalsa formed.

The idea that you want from the Khalsa spiritual one is that The Energy you’re putting out in Service, Khalsa was at the leading edge of social change, you’re not backed into a corner like the way society likes to do. Today’s society, you its uh, social security, you’re a number, you have no power to change, you know its just this grind down, and you don’t have power to do anything. Its these big powers over the top. Forget that, that’s just an appearance.

That sound that came down that is the sound that created every molecule in the Universe, that is the power you are working with but you will have to blast through the subconscious and knock out all of that society conditioning so that you are allowed to take over. The only way that can happen, the Siddhis don’t open, by you, they open from the desire to give, from the desire to serve. When it opens, you’re out that banging at the leading edge at the tip of the sword that’s the idea of Khalsa to make these social changes.

I talk to many young people and you know, its such a grind down. Everyone wants peace, you know, we all know what we want, and it just looks so impossible, and if you look at the News. Forget that, that’s what it means right, you’re out there pushing that back. From the inside, this is not a philosophy, this is not a yoga of acceptance, except when you lay down to hear the Gong, that’s when you accept, this is a society out there on the edge pushing it. This is, this was a yoga that when you were out there in the days swinging swords 10 hours a day in battle, that’s the kind of energy you release into your aura.

We don’t fight with shields and swords anymore, we fight with our aura, the sound. We move that energy in around us. You feel it in yourself, you open it in yourself. The idea of service of giving, that’s the reason you do this and it always has been. I know this sounds like a philosophy of duality of “us” and “them”, its not, its just uh… the way you properly do Kundalini you capture it, you have to capture the energy into your aura. So its in a sphere, so the energy builds, its a cooking pot, you have to cook the Prana (life force) for the energy to open up and that’s what is building your aura. So its only in the beginning you separate, you separate yourself, this whole world you see here, everything you see here is ideas was once ideas and energy, and you want to separate yourself from the ideas that are shot purposely into society. You know everybody is out there worried about financial collapse, nuclear war, and a thousand other things. Separate yourself from that. That’s why we do this work, that’s why we do this breath. This is the beginning core foundations of Kundalini,

Always the beginning core foundations is to build the aura, the energy field around you. You have to bathe, you have to go to the bathroom, you have to eat. You have to clean your aura every morning, you have to say “Ok I don’t care what’s going on with everything around the world, everything you’re (society) is trying to put in my head; that You, this is Me.” And then as you do this more more strong and further, that “Me” starts to expand out so that you’re pushing society and its not pushing you back into a corner. That’s why we do this yoga. That’s the spirit of this yoga.

Khalsa is just.. uh… there’s a line in the Guru Granth Sahib, the Holy book of the Sikhs, that I came across once… used to read these 3 days in a row… and there’s a line that… its not even a line, its a saying that you hear all the time that society just said… “Forward Hope” *snicker* like some cowboy music “Forward Hope” forget all that happened in the past the energy is just ‘boom’ out there, Forward. So, to remember those ideas, there is a lot of stuff that will be archived, that you bring all that to the Kundalini classes you bring from herein.”


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