We continue to preach against statues, icons and pictures and yet most Sikh homes continue to display the image of one or more Gurus.
I am a feminist and the 10 Gurus are often viewed as such. However what unnerved me, was the way in which girls, women, boys and men in my South Asian Sikh community and the wider Sikh community did not embody or were not able to embody this philosophy.
'I have prepared all these cannons in my farmhouse because I could not have done it at my home. To work on them, I needed a lot of space,' he said. While he prepared fibreglass himself and purchased steel from the market, the gurdwara trust provided him wood for the sculptures. 'I was a kind of 'one man army', doing all the work and succeeding in my endeavor because of the blessings of my God,' he said.
Makindu Sikh Gurdwara
Men were packed in the ship like sardines in a tin... They were crossing a vast ocean... Amidst this group of men...., led by one who reverently carried on his head a small cot, on which sat what looked like a big book, richly draped.
Gulab Singh learned to engrave from his father Sardar Santokh Singh and began an independent studio where he would do his own engraving
Auction house in London gives out the details of the rare and imposing marble bust of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
The Gurdwara where Guru Gobind Singh Ji did daily Ishnaan and where the Ardaas is composed in the form of statues.
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