“The Sangat is so beautiful here, it’s just brilliant, when we all sit and practice kirtan I feel like i’m experiencing God.” - Simrit Kaur, Age:14. --- Giani Ji noticed that a majority of Sikh Gurdwaras catered only to the needs of the older generation, he felt that the youngsters had been left out... Now 1600 children are inspired through the camps every year.
“Let us form a partnership, and share our virtues; let us abandon our faults, and walk on the Path”. You can form a sangat with your partner, sibling, mother, father, friend etc. Let us find a person or two and form a partnership to become the best version of ourselves.
Pratiyahar is the practice of cutting a negative thought with a positive one. This is how to control the mind. It is the same thing with a habit.
A year after tragedy, Ruby and Rumita have found renewed hope in humanity after witnessing first-hand the strength that can rise from the ashes of destruction.
On the one year anniversary of Oak Creek, in the midst of news of increasing violence in our country, may we share in the spirit of everlasting optimism – and hear the call to serve.
The sangat at the gurdwara was in the true spirit of chardi kala. I found the atmosphere to be spiritually uplifting.
To honor them is to tell our children powerful, interconnected and hopeful narratives about their precious skin colors, faiths and cultures. To remember them is to envision and bring about a different racial landscape in our country.
Shabd Singh reports from the European Yoga Festival in Mur de Sologne, France
Worshippers at a Sikh temple in southwest Fresno, close to where an elderly Sikh man was attacked while walking on South Cherry Avenue a week ago, say they want to encourage a spirit of unity in the community.
In order to inspire and connect with our quickly growing global Sangat feel connected Sikh Dharma International has been doing some “Outreach Interviews” – we call members of different communities in the world and touch base with them.
If at times we are not cool enough for those around us, even fellow Sikhs, let us remind ourselves why we are truly here, why we were given this path and not another one.
The Granthi singh had just finished doing katha and simran of the 11th asthpadee of sukhmani sahib, when a very upset young lady walked in. She said fateh to everyone with great humility and love. She looked very upset.
Sikh community charity group “Vancouver Sangat” started food service program for the needy in downtown Vancouver last weekend.
“This was a complex development which began three years ago and has involved the acquisition of various properties, site assembly and extensive consultation with the local community and the city council. It’s fantastic to see the winter sun gleaming on the golden globes...
A recently posted essay by I.J. Singh titled A Very Human Tragedy was a case report of a Granthi at a Gurdwara caught in a vortex – a psychologically downward spiral of loneliness, depression, alcohol abuse and hopelessness – so severe that he committed suicide...
Fifty years - half a century, seems like a long time. Yes, for me a lifetime affection and association, with Sikh Naujawan Sabha Malaysia - my link with my faith - run by youth, for youth. The youthful Sabha has always worked towards making Sikhi relevant in the lives of younger generations...
Let me tell you a simple but true tale of woe. I leave out any hint of the location simply because the tale is true...
Datuk Seri Najib Razak today announced various “gifts” for the Sikh community in the conjunction with the Vaisakhi Day celebration.
Sikhs strive to live a life that balances work, worship and charity. Community is emphasized and the gurdwara (temple) is the centre of Sikh communal life. The traditions and philosophy of Sikhs were established by 10 specific gurus until 1708.
With approximately 125 Sikh families in Merritt, and between five to seven people in each household, the Punjabi community is alive in the Nicola Valley.
What happens when I begin to see hypocrisy, jealousy, anger in those who I most respected and considered to be MY panthic leaders? What happens when I see my “brothers” dishonoring my sisters? What happens when I see my role models talk shit, or bully, or straight up ignore those who have fallen off the path instead of helping them back up?
With temperatures dipping to 30 degrees F and below during the night, the Lodi area's homeless population has been shivering and using more imagination in trying to warm themselves up.
“We view this as not only as an act of tzedakah, but we see this also as a wonderful opportunity to form a close relationship with our Sikh neighbors and to learn from one another,” the letter said.
How to maintain connection and purity in the company of those who partake in activities which are not aligned with your Consciousness?
But when his heart is illumined by True Knowledge, he knows that above all these wars of sects and sectarians presides the One Invisible Eternal All-knowing Bliss. In fact, the different faiths are like spokes of a wheel in which God forms the hub.
FOX40 cameras went inside the Sacramento Sikh temple Sunday to get a very personal look at a what some describe as a misunderstood faith. In the last few months, 3 Sikh were attacked locally -- two shot, one fatally and another beaten, and it's entirely possible those attacks can be blamed on mistaken identity.
The idea that still sits in my mind, after a year of experiencing different sites, is that we have all these communities, unique in their own beauty and we are keeping to ourselves this Guru’s gift of Langar and Sangat.
How a cash-strapped project to build a Sikh place of worship in Gravesend procured the large marble domes, arched windows and highly ornate stonework from India - and saved more than £2m along the way
"On that day, we were touched by God - He was amidst us. As I was placing the sacred saroops on the heads of the Sikhs from New Zealand, I could see their tears of joy flowing freely...how can anyone describe that feeling? I have no words. I am indebted to God for giving us those moments of utter Bliss..
Is my sangat in our Gurudwara, out in the world or some combination of both? Sometimes when I see the current state of our Gurudwaras,..it makes me want to stay home to pray quietly by myself and find other ways to do seva where it is needed. There is an epidemic of politics overtaking our Gurudwaras.


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