"In my view, the author has a motive and purpose for writing this book to checkmate those writers who are bent upon destroying the aesthetics of Gurbani.."
Puran Singh was introduced to Walt Whitman during his studentship in Japan in 1901 through an American Professor teaching at Tokyo University. He was so much infatuated with Whitman's...
A new book on the Sri Dasam Granth Sahib by G.S.Mann and Kamalroop Singh reveals not only more about the history and compilation of this Sikh scripture but also shows rare images of the earliest rare manuscripts (pothis) of the Granth.
Drawing on the raw imagery of both poems, “Kultar’s Mime” not only tells a powerful story of human suffering and courage, but the incredible cast of “outsiders” to the community, bring it to life,...
An iconic figure in Sikh history, ideology and tradition, Bhai Nand Lal, was a contemporary of Guru Gobind Singh and personally witnessed the life altering events of Vaisakhi 1699 that gave us the institution of the Khalsa.
Facts, fiction and pure chemistry merge in Canadian research scientist-turned-writer Jaspreet Singh's novel, 'Helium', based on the 1984 anti-Sikh riots. India, Singh tells Malini Nair, hasn't mourned enough for those who died in the conflagration and not learnt anything from it either.
She concludes that since Guru Granth Sahib aims at transforming radiant richness of the Creator into sound human morality, through the human experience, the next phase of women’s movement must be worked on the women experience...
The pen is mightier than the sword! This has been advocated through the years by many. I have always wondered how many of us actually believed in it and how many of us have actually taken that path.
In this work we have a miracle. Reviewer Harish Dhillon dubbed this work a “Rare record of a glorious heritage.” This is no ordinary book; a degree of visible veneration has gone into its making.
Nearly every religious tradition of social ethics encompasses two sorts of justice. The first is procedural justice: giving people what they deserve under contracts and the law. The second is distributive justice: meeting some needs just because human beings are human beings.
This book Ardas of the Sikhs is an inclusive, yet discreet work about the congregational prayer of the Sikh people. The Ardas for the Sikhs is the way of life ordained by their Gurus.
Sikh History is replete with sacrifices of its soldiers for the Panth. The saga of laying down life for the greater cause started from the Gurus and touched glory when the Tenth Guru, Guru Gobind Singh, formed the Khalsa.
No popular book on contemporary Indian history is complete without the 1984 pogrom. Accounts of 1984 in these books are strikingly similar, but are complexly nuanced when it comes to details and stories of personal tragedies and human suffering.
Jasmin’s Summer Wish is a picture book about a girl in New York City who wishes for year-round Summer weather. Her wish comes true, and when the hot climate changes....
Bone & Bread fulfils the promise of Nawaz’s acclaimed story collection debut, Mother Superior, and then some. It is one of the events of the year on the Canadian fiction scene.
Sikh's historic Treasure to be unveiled on Baisakhi Day-2013. A Wisdom Collection - presents with pride and honor the First ever rare and complete book on history of the 'Sikhs in World War I.'
He looks at a number of philosophical attempts to justify the idea that the state should tolerate acts of conscience before proceeding to identify the central features of religious practice and belief.
After chequered lives and trying times in the lives of the women in the book, there is resolution, though not in a traditional way. There is some independence for women, a voice, not loud, but allowed to be heard, some breathing space..
Fortunately academics like the ones who have written this book need to be applauded for writing on such a vast subject in a very cogent manner and making their point. Anyone with a conscience interested in truth, justice, equality and the rule of law in South Asia must read this book.
These essays are not to be read with a view to getting final answers or prescriptions and possession of the Truth. This book - like Dr Singh’s previous ones - is a kind of spiritual or philosophical sing-along for those who are also engaged in their own spiritual quest and are ready to ask uncomfortable questions and explore uncharted territory.
You would think that this would be the highlight of the date, but it got even better. One of the stories in the Fall 2012 issue of Zoetrope (it’s a quarterly) was by Jim Gavin called “Bermuda,” a really funny and utterly depressing story.
A newly published e-book, based on the regimental history written by his grandfather, reconstructs Colonel Brander's exciting and colorful personal experiences in the Regiment in which he spent his career, rising from young subaltern to commandant
By “re-telling” these saakhis in simple, “child-friendly” language - English, in this case - and by presenting them in contemporary idiom, Inni Kaur brings to life the miracle that Guru Nanak was.
What happens when defenders of a nation become 'enemies' in the eyes of its government? What happens to ordinary people forced to choose between their religion and their country? Militancy throws up such questions all over the world.
Answering questions from journalists and others at a book-reading event at the Southbank Centre here last night, Rowling, 47, said that when she was in her mid-twenties she knew a Sikh woman who sparked her interest in Sikhism.