Dr. Sarrel, the lead author, is quoted as saying “Not treating these common symptoms causes many women to drop out of the labor force at a time when their careers are on the upswing... This also places demands on health care and drives up insurance costs.”
“It seems that women who eat more foods high in calcium and vitamin D have less risk of experiencing PMS,” said Dr. Elizabeth Bertone-Johnson of the University of Massachusetts, the study’s lead author. “It’s very exciting, and could end up being good news for many women out there.”
Keeping with the spirit of Guru Nanak, she taught about the dignity of women. She inspired them about how to have conscious relationships. She shared how the journey which a woman takes to motherhood could transform her entire being and bless the Soul in her womb.
I am so disappointed that it took scientists until 2014, using genomic testing only recently available, to figure out that naturally occurring human hormones would have less effect on a woman’s breast than horse estrogen and a synthetic drug.
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