Click on the image of the language below and you will be taken to a PDF document of that translation.  If you scroll down this page, you’ll find out more about the translators and the artist for these beautiful translations.

Participate in group recitation of daily nitnem with participants from around the world from wherever they are.
Participate in group recitation of daily nitnem with participants from around the world from wherever they are.

There is a certain respect that the printed word of the Shabad Guru is treated with.

Sometimes when we research and look through information from the past, it does not necessarily match with current Sikh practices. My aim is not to offend anyone, or challenge any group but just present this information.
Shanti Kaur explains what the Akal Takhat Rehet Maryada is concerning the daily Banis. Then she explains that there is no limit to how many Banis you can read, and it comes down to your devotion and what you feel inspired to do.

There are lots of options for reading banis on the iPhone/iPad/iPod using various apps, however we wanted to let you know of a few more ways that you can read Gurbani on your "iDevice". The Bani formats on this page will work on any iDevice, however the benefit of these over using one of the Bani apps from iTunes store is that they will display much nicer on the large iPad screens and since they are just individual files you can use them in many different ways that an app would not allow.

If you're like us and many other Sikhs around the world, you've been using the windows mobile/iPhone/other device to read gurbani with. Although reading bani is a very healing process, reading it on a traditionally backlit TFT screen is not good for your eyes.
So now we went to Baoli Sahib at 9:00 PM and after inquiring about the rehat of doing the Paath from a sewadar, took our laminated copies of Japji Sahib Ji we went to the bottom, took a dip in the Baoli and started the paath in a high tone and sehajta, standing on the first pauri which was below the water. The feeling was so good,...
I pick up my Nit Nem and begin reading/reciting Japji Sahib, the Sikh morning prayer, which includes the line, “The gems, the jewels, the rubies, are in the mind..."
So what exactly is meditation? How do you do it? Well, actually meditation is like a mental "oil filter." Just as the oil filter in a car catches the dirt as the oil is circulating, so meditation catches your mental dirt so the subconscious mind is cleaned. This is how you become clear, neutral and joyful.
Amritvela brings you, your family and your work all into harmony leading to a happier, healthier you. Amritvela removes a lot of the unwanted stress out of your life, so you can focus on the stuff that really matters.
Since I began walking on this path, I’ve been wanting to receive the Guru Granth Sahib Ji. although I’ve been able to read the daily hukamnama, as well as portions of the Guru Granth Sahib Ji online, there’s something about being able to touch and to dive into the actual physical form of the Sacred Word that I’ve been craving.
Jaap Sahib, the morning prayer of Sikhs by Guru Gobind Singh, is an Ode to Ek Ongkar, One Divine light. These are my experiences and thoughts on the bani and recitation together with an attempt at translation and transliteration of it.
Human birth is supreme amongst all life forms as it provides an opportunity for the soul to end its journey of births and deaths and merge in God. For this to occur, a human must realize why he or she has taken this birth and then conduct his or her life accordingly.
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