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Description of the experience of The Spiritual Journey of the completion of Chaurasi[84] Japji Sahib Paath at Gurudwara Sri Goindwal Sahib Ji

So on 8th April 2011 we both(me & my friend Satvinder Singh Khalsa) were roaming around in the college in the lunch break and Satvinder expressed that he didn't really want to go home in the upcoming Vaisakhi holidays (which were from next Thursday) & I said that we should go to some Gurudwara just like we did in the previous holidays of this semester.

Satvinder said that why not we go to Goindwal Sahib and attempt to do the Chaurasi(84) Japji Sahib Paath. I readily agreed and there at that moment we finalised that we will definitely go and with Waheguru's Grace we will do that Chaurasi Japji Sahib Paath as it is going to be a once in a lifetime opportunity. In the next few days we just felt really excited and I kept reading the past experiences of the Gurshikhs who had completed the Chaurasi paath and how miraculous is Guru's Kirpa with which many of the Gursikhs had got cured of their problems.

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So it was Wednesday night (13th April 2011) and we were so happy and excited, I could hardly sleep. So we got up early took bath, did Nitnem and did Ardaas to Waheguru ji to be with us, to bless us with strength and Gursikhi and make our initiative successful. We left for the Bus Terminal and our journey began at around 10:00 A.M.

We reached the Gurudwara at around 3:00 PM & with the Grace of God, got a room in the Guru Amar Das Niwas. We decided that first we should do Darshan of all the Gurudwaras around and then have Langar with Guru Ji di pyari Sangat. After the Darshan of the nearby Gurudwaras ( and Langar we came back to the room in the niwas and took some rest.

We woke at around 7:30 PM. Went back to the Gurudwara, did Rehraas Sahib Paath and did Ardaas in front of Guru Ji to bless us with courage and Gurshiki so that we can complete the Chaurasi Japji Sahib paath successfully. Then we had langar only 2 parshadaas and no water as we knew that we can't take any breaks once we started the paath. Then we came back to the room & took bath.

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So now we went to Baoli Sahib at 9:00 PM and after inquiring about the rehat of doing the Paath from a sewadar, took our laminated copies of Japji Sahib Ji we went to the bottom, took a dip in the Baoli and started the paath in a high tone and sehajta, standing on the first pauri which was below the water. The feeling was so good, our souls felt so blessed. After doing each paath we took a dip in the Baoli chanting 'Dhan Dhan Shiri Guru Amar Das Ji Maharaj'. When we reached the fifth pauri the fans were on and made us feel a bit cold but.. Satvinder... he stared shivering already as he is quite slim but he got fine with another dip. After completing each paath we kept the laminated copy over the wooden shelves along each pauri, took a dip in the Baoli and came back dripping wet, went on to the next pauri and started the Paath. Our minds were clear and filled with love for Guru Ji and we knew that with Waheguru Ji's apaar bakshish we'll definitely complete the Chaurasi Paath.

Satvinder did the paath a bit faster and sooner he completed his paath on the fifth pauri while I was still doing it and kept going on to the higher pauris a bit faster than me.

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So now the time was 3:30 AM and i was on around the 35th pauri and Satvinder was around the 43rd pauri. The Nihang Sewadars came down with large buckets and started taking the water from the baoli for doing the sewa at the Gurudwara. All had such charismatic faces which represented their love for the religion & the Guru.

Another elderly Gursikh had come to continue his paath of the Chaurasi from the 70th Pauri. He did the paath speaking in a low tone and slowly descended the stairs even though it made him breathe a bit heavier. After a couple of hours he completed his chaurasi Japji Sahib paath and greeted both of us with the Jaikara "Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh" while we were doing the paath sitting on different steps which really encouraged us.

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After reaching the 45th pauri air from the entrance made our dripping wet bodies feel cold so then we covered next steps ourselves with our towels after taking the dip.

Soon the sevadars started the cleaning of the stairs.

At 7:30 AM Satvinder had completed the Chaurasi Paath while I was just on the 60th pauri. I congratulated him and he went back to the niwas to take a bath again and returned back to the Gurudwara to do his daily Nitnem.

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Soon the Sangat had started pouring in and the baoli was getting full of the chanting of 'Waheguru Waheguru' and 'Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Amar Das Ji' as the Sangat descended in.

Guru Ji had blessed me with the determination and I kept going on with the flow of completing my paath & going all the way down to take a dip and return to the next pauri & believe me I really felt good and didn't felt no pain while ascending or descending. Some of the sangat passing by did say the Jaikara when they saw me doing the paath.

At around 11:40 AM I completed my path at the 83rd pauri and thanked Guru Ji while taking the dip. Happily went back to the 84th pauri all the way at the top.

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Sat down with my laminated copy of Japji Sahib paath and completed it while pronouncing it with sehaja at 12:00 PM. There it was... THE HAPPIEST MOMENT OF MY LIFE [15th April 2011].

I put the laminated copy of Japji Sahib Ji back in the case at the top and transcended down to the baoli, did ardas to Akal Purakh Waheguru Ji for blessing me with kindness & strength to complete the Chaurasi Paath. Waheguru Ji himself called us to Goindwal Sahib Ji and blessed us. After completing the ardaas I took a dip again & then went back to the niwas.

We both greeted each other and then after taking a bath again we got ready and went to the Darbar & did ardaas in front of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaj and took the blessings. Then we had Guru Ka Langar & then the journey back to college began even though we were really tired and my eyes looked like fireballs.

So I would urge all the young Gursikhs out there to get involved in Naam Simran and make it a part of your life.

If you ever get a chance then go ahead and with Guru Ji's blessings attempt to do the Chaurasi Paath at Gurudwara Sri Goindwal Sahib Ji. Waheguru Ji will bless you with the courage & strength & believe me you will surely be able to complete it with your true love & faith for the Guru and your commitment to Gursikhi.

Don't waste the most important part of your life in the Kurehets, wordly things & kusangat. Take time out for Naam Simran, Satsang & always respect and do seva of your parents who are the visible GODs as it was said by Bramh Gyani Baba Nandlal Ji that "One who doesn't do seva of his/her parents then the seva done by the individual in the Guru-Ghar even is not accepted by Waheguru Ji". Never say anything bad to your parents & always look out for opportunities to do seva.

Remember it is God who has blessed us all with this Human form. He is the giver & the taker as Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji Said "Jiss ki Wastt Sohee Lai Jaegaa". The human body has been gifted to you by God and he can take it back too. So make the most of your young age and learn about your religion, read sakhis, do nitnem & always try to be in the sangat of true Gursikhs. Our Gurus & many Gursikhs have layed down their whole families and their own life for us. The least we can do is to wake up early, take bath & do Nitnem.

Just try with an honest effort to be a Gursikh & Waheguru Ji will hold your arm and assist you all the way. Take amrit, become a Baptised Gursikh and dedicate your life to the seva of the panth. Always encourage your brothers, sisters and other family members to get more involved in their religion through nitnem and seva & hence be blessed by Waheguru Ji's Grace.

Das kolon je koi bhul-chuk ho gayi hove taan kirpa karke bakshaa deyo ji...Pavneet Singh.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki FATEH!!


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