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Ms. Chohan is a humanitarian who is a teacher by profession, leader by nature, and an angel at heart. She leaves loving heart prints in the lives of all her students and their families. In her, our children found guidance, support, love, understanding, and friendship. - Parent
Everyone wants to be a teacher, but a disciple is rare. When we have grasped something, we need to act on it instead of teaching others without having practiced it ourselves.
The sounds distracted him and teased him like the memory of a lover’s call. But the sound was not the call from a lover’s lips. The sound was the bouncing tones emanating....
Working with his Christian colleagues, says Mr. Gill, has made him a better Sikh. He believes that taking his introductory course can provide a similar benefit to his students, whatever their religious background.
Amar Das Bhalla was a very devoted Vaishnava Hindu. When he was 62 he met a monk on one of his long pilgrimages. The monk asked, "Who is your guru?" Amar Das had no answer, he didn't have a guru. When the monk found out about this he became very angry, "I shared food with a man who has no guru!" Amar Das knew he needed a guru, would he ever find one?
Everyone in the world has a right to call themselves a Sikh but the word Sikh holds a special meaning for the followers of Sikhism. The proper definition of Sikh is to be a student and in that sense, no one can claim that someone is a Sikh or not...
As a child, I remember that she held my hand when I wrote my first ‘Oorra’, and then I went on to write my name. She held my hand as she placed my forefinger on ‘Sa’, and then ‘Re’, and then I went on to sing a shabad....a few teachers leave us with jewels so precious that we cannot repay them; only hold their teachings in gratitude, with our heads bowed.
If any teacher’s clothing creates a continuing distraction, school officials will be able to respond on the basis that an accommodation creates an undue hardship.
Contest tomorrow at Akal Academy, where 42-year-old teaches.
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