Jaskaran Singh is dismayed that Sikhs in the U.S. are once again being mistaken for Muslims and becoming the target of hate crimes. Even so, he tells his 16-year-old son in the following letter, Sikhs shouldn’t strip themselves of their identity even if it makes them stand out in society.
Article 30 gives same rights to both religious and linguistic rights but it nowhere says both religious and linguistic minorities must necessarily be determined at the level of state.
The Sri Dasmesh Pipe Band (Malaysian Sikh Band), probably the most established Sikh bag pipers in the world, yesterday (4 Aug 2015) paid tribute to to the last Sikh Emperor Maharaja Duleep Singh.
What does it mean to be a Sikh? 11-year-old Simran explains all about her religion of Sikhism in this Learning Zone programme for primary school children.
On December 11th, a contingent of about 25 members of valley FBI members was invited by Mrs Balbir Kaur and Mrs Rangi to attend the talk offered by Dr. Sachdev. After being served with breakfast around 10 am they were taken to the class room to attend the above stated session.
To date, I’ve been asked if I’m Indian, Punjabi, Malaysian, British, Gujerati, Spanish, Bengali, and just yesterday, South African. I love this question, because I believe in roots, and mine are pretty strong.
Its been a while in coming: Street Parchar in French. Using our very popular "3 Facts Leaflet", we translated it into French, German and Spanish (more on way) and used the leaflet to make our first video purely in French.
“The Sikh turban is a crown,” says Jay Singh-Sohal, British journalist and author of Turbanology: Guide to Sikh Identity. “It is worn so a Sikh can stand out from others, can be approachable and can be identifiable in society.”
Even more important to me than my attackers being caught is that they are taught. My tradition teaches me to value justice and accountability, and it also teaches me love, compassion and understanding.
They see the recent official emphasis on secularism as being primarily the result of opposition to the Islamic veil and broader tensions with the largest Muslim community in Europe, and say they have been caught in the crossfire.
As I applauded these soldiers, I also felt regret. Members of my community — Sikh Americans, who have a celebrated martial history around the world — are denied the same opportunity to serve because our religious articles of faith....
The study, “Turban Myths in America,” found that 70% of those surveyed couldn’t identify a Sikh man in a photo as a Sikh and 79% were unable to identify India as the geographic source of Sikhism.
The Kaur physical identity, however, is not so obvious or well defined. Some Kaurs keep kesh, others do not. Some cover their heads with dastars, patkas, or chunis, while others choose not to cover their heads.
A recent study has reportedly revealed that not even 1% of Sikhs settled in north-eastern and southern states identify themselves with their gotras/castes/surnames.
Quebec will lose public employees including doctors if the government insists on banning religious symbols in the workplace, says a physician from Montreal’s Sikh community.
t is heartening to see local governments be involved in addressing hate within their community by fostering more awareness and appreciation among its residents.
The Sikh Research Institute (SikhRI) is pleased to announce the publication of a valuable resource, Sikhi: Faith and Followers, a 32-page full-color illustrated booklet, covering the basic tenets, beliefs and practices of Sikhs.
A central part of the problem is that Sikhs have not been allowed to contribute to one of the most powerful forces that binds Americans as a people: shared sacrifice in an all-volunteer military that works tirelessly to defend and promote our common values as Americans.
The World Sikh Council – America Region (WSC-AR) participated in the National Scout Jamboree held by the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) at the Summit Bechtel Reserve in West Virginia...
It is a highly rewarding exercise to inquire more discerningly what our founders and the enlightened souls have meant when they understood "Sikh" as a noun or an adjective, or even a verb.