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During the festive celebration Hola Mohalla, which I witnessed in the year 2013, Nihangs (Sikh military order, dating back to the 17th century) riding their horses as they were on with the, reminded me of Saint Kabeer's poetry... "On the saddle of self-reflection...."
A Lone Texas Horse Woman Races Marwari Horse in a Boisterous Sikh Ride in the Punjab
Started by Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj, our tenth Sikh Guru, to gather Sikhs together for military exercises and mock battles on the day following the Hindu festival with colors - Holi - reminds people of valor and defense preparedness, concepts dear to Dasmesh Pita Ji...
As part of the Hola Mohalla celebrated a day after the Holi, the Sikh community took out two colourful Nagar Keertans (holy processions) on Thursday...
Every year on the day following Holi, Hola Mohalla festival is celebrated at Anandpur Sahib. On this day Anandpur Sahib re-enacts the martial splendour of the Khalsa under Guru Gobind Singh Ji. About two million devotees and others from all over India and abroad participate in the festival with great gusto.
In an extraordinary coda to three days' of worship and festivity, the Mohalla celebrations conclude with displays of traditional Sikh martial prowess on a grassy plain by the Charan Ganga River.
Hola Mohalla the war festival of the Nihangs is celebrated during the month of March, marking the festivities congregations of Sikh devotees converge from all over India and abroad.
Hola Mohalla or Hola Mahalla or simply Hola is a Sikh festival that takes place on the first of the lunar month of Chet (in March).
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