THE Sikh owners of a Worcester pub are hoping to spread the message of solidarity throughout the festive period, and have turned it into a Christmas haven.
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, May Darwin be with you—what is the best seasonal greeting? What if they are all fine? That’s the sentiment behind a new book that treats the winter holiday season for what it has become for many people, an intercultural, inter-religious celebration.
What drew them to the Christ? The conviction that something of huge importance was happening – the glorious gift of he who would teach all humanity the truth about man’s relationship to God, our divine Parent. That God is Love: that His entire creation is loved, cherished, never forsaken, tenderly cared for. Jesus’ understanding of this underlying principle enabled him to live a life of love, comforting and healing those who sought the truth he taught.
"I celebrate Christmas, but not the way other people do. I look at it as a time for love, giving, letting go, rather than as a time for a religious observance. I just see it as a time for giving and being together."
Perhaps therefore, it is surprising to some that I have joined the HappyChristmas4All campaign. So why? For me, it comes down to good neighborliness. It gives me no satisfaction to see others denigrate another person’s religious festival or stop my neighbours from practising their beliefs.
For many people in Canada, "Merry Christmas" has been replaced with "happy holidays" but in the office of Dr. Natavarlal Shah, the Christmas spirit is thriving.
The people of El Cerrito refused to let his legacy die. This beloved holiday tradition can go on for hundreds of years. Or it can go away tomorrow, and after a generation nobody will remember. It's up to you, El Cerritans.
For those of us struggling to breathe under a seasonal avalanche of Bing Crosby, this is nothing new, but the closer you look at the actual experiment, the more you have to ask: Don’t these guys have anything better to do?
Christmas belongs to everyone now. The Capital City Minstrels, a popular choral group in Delhi, is proof of the widening of a festival once limited to those who believed Jesus was the son of God. Advertising professional Prabhsharan Singh Kang, a practising Sikh, has been part of the choir for 11 years...
To tree or not to tree? It's only one of the many dilemmas county Sikhs are faced with around the holiday season.
Looking back, the question that should have really troubled me was why a religious family of Sikh Punjabi immigrants would want to celebrate Christmas in the first place.
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