Over the next week we’ll be posting little audio reports by Ek Ong Kaar Kaur who is currently on a Yatra with others from our sangat in Hazoor Sahib, India. These will be personal audio journals from the road, during the huge celebrations that are currently going on for the 300th Anniversary of the Siri Guru Granth Sahib. Most of you who are reading this were not able to go to the events, so the hope is for you to have some connection to what is going on there. We were planning to go on this yatra as well so we could work on something similar to the 300 Anniversary Baisakhi Celebrations, however there was too much going on at SikhNet for us to take the time off. So, like you all we’ll be enjoying the audio "journals" by Ek Ong Kaar Kaur and any photos that come our way.

Listen Below to the first audio journal :

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