At the time of Guru Arjan Dev, Hindus and Muslims taunted his followers by remarking "You have neither a holy book nor a center of pilgrimage (Shuma na ahli Kitab ast na ahli Makam)". He gave us not only a center of pilgrimage, Harimandar Sahib, which is open to all and a unique holy scripture, Sri Guru Granth Sahib which has universal appeal, but he also left us the tradition of selfless sacrifice for a noble cause. Guru Arjan Dev elevated the concept of martyrdom to new heights. He sacrificed his life knowingly and voluntarily for selfless and noble causes such as truth, righteousness, freedom of belief and resistance to tyranny. He did not attach any importance to his physical mortal existence or desire for any reward after death. He courageously stuck to his principle against heavy odds and unbearable tortures, and sacrificed his life, but did not bow to Jahangir's unjust demands. Guru Arjan Dev proved his faith in his principle of 'Sweet is Thy Will' and accepted God's will, saying:
qyrw kIAw mITw lwgY ] hir nwmu pdwrQu nwnku mWgY ] ( SGGS:394)
'O God! Your doings seem sweet to me. Nanak craves for the wealth of God's Name.'

pRB kI AwigAw Awqm ihqwvY ] jIvn mukiq soaU khwvY ]
"He who in his heart loves Lord's ordinance is said to be the man having salvation while alive. (SGGS:275)

As is joy so is sorrow for him. In that state, there is ever lasting happiness and no separation from God."

Trump in his book 'Adi Granth' on page LXXX11 remarks:-There is no doubt that Guru Arjan Dev set the noblest example of courage and boldness in resisting the power of a Mughal dictator and thus sowed the seed which bore rich fruit in the Sikh history.

While we celebrate his martyrdom every year by visiting Gurdwaras, having Akhand Paatths and taking out religious processions (Nagar Kirtans), but we are forgetting his teachings because we only bow to SGGS and do not care to understand his teachings and rarely try to follow them. In my humble opinion, understanding Gurbani and following its teachings is more important than any other method of celebrating the Martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev. May Waheguru give us wisdom and strength to understand and apply his teachings to our daily life! I am quoting a few of his teachings. Every reference carries a particular lesson which if followed, can save our life from downfall. Those who want to know more are requested to go to my website ( and read my book Thus Says Sri Guru Granth Sahib.

Adultry which is the cause of many problems in the world is severely condemned by Guru Arjan Dev who treats it as poison:

jYsw sMgu ibsIAr1 isau hY ry qYso hI iehu pr igRhu](SGGS:403)
'Ravishing another person's woman is equivalent to the company of a venomous snake1.'

Guru Jee has warned us that anger is not liked by God and we should save ourselves from it:

grIbw aupr ij iKMjY dwVI] pwrbRhim sw Agin mih swVI](SGGS: 199)
'The bearded (tyrant) who expresses his anger1 on the poor is burnt in the fire by God.'

We are advised by the Guru to keep God in our mind as by ignoring God we do evil deeds and suffer:

srb dUK jb ibsrih suAwmI](SGGS:394)
'All the maladies inflict when one forgets the Lord.'

We are told that death is the law of nature and we should obey God's will. Weeping and crying is useless:

pvnY1 mih pvnu smwieAw ]joqI mih joiq ril jwieAw ]
mwtI mwtI hoeI eyk ]rovnhwry kI kvn tyk ](SGGS: 885)

'The wind1 merges into the wind. The light blends into the light.
The dust becomes one with the dust. What support is there for the one who is lamenting?'

Guru Jee has warned us against the use of intoxicants as they are ruining us:

hoCw1 mdu2 cwiK3 hoey qum bwvr4 dulB5 jnmu AkwrQ6](SGGS:1001)
'You have gone crazy4 and have wasted in vain6 the precious5 gift of life, intoxicated3 with worthless1 wine2.'

We have been advised not to be hypocrite as God sees and essays our every action and knows everything;

Kotu n kIceI pRBu prKxhwrw ](SGGS:470)
'Do not practice deception - God is the Assayer of all.'

Guru Arjan Dev has educated us and removed our whims and doubts about good and bad omens. According to him, these do not affect those who believe in God:

sgun Apsgun1 iqs kau lgih ijsu cIiq n AwvY ](SGGS:401)
'Good omens and bad1 omens affect those who do not keep the Lord in the mind.'

Guru jee has taught us that we need not renounce the world in search of God. We can meet Him even by living the life of an honest householder :

nwnk siqguir ByitAY1 pUrI hovY jugiq2] hsMidAw KylMidAw pYnMidAw KwvMidAw ivcy hovY mukiq](SGGS: 522)
'Meeting1 with the true Guru, one knows the right way2 and while playing, laughing, dressing and eating (living a full life of house holder), one gets emancipation.'

Guru Jee has stressed the importance of humility in life. In his eyes, a humble man is the most respected one:

Awps kau jo jwxY nIcw ]soaU gnIAY sB qy aUcw ](SGGS:266)
'One who sees himself as lowly, should be accounted as the highest of all.'

Gurbani attaches great importance to selfless service. It leads us to God if we do not attach conditions and demands with it. Our aim should be to help the helpless:

syvw krq koie inhkwmI1]iqs kau hoq prwpiq2 suAwmI3](SGGS:286)
'He who serves without1 desire for reward attains 2to the Lord.'

Those who are eager to understand Gurbani, are requested to go to my website and click at my book 'Thus says Sri Guru Granth Sahib'. It contains 1000 references from Gurbani under 60 topics relating to our daily life. Every reference is given in Gurmukhi and Roman script with translation in Punjabi and English. The first chapter is about Adultery and contains 17 references from SGGS.

It is said: It is easier said than done. But I am sure if we try sincerely, we are sure to succeed.

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