Everyone was celebrating a 500-year old Sikh tradition together, sitting side-by-side on the floor and getting to know their neighbors, regardless of religion, gender or background and enjoying a traditional Sikh meal.
Co-hosted by SALDEF’s SikhLEAD 2015 class and Congressman Mike Honda’s office, over 350 congressional staff members, Sikh community members, and non-Sikhs from a variety of professional paths shared Langar, became connected to Sikh values and the Sikh community, ...
SALDEF’s 2015 SikhLEAD Internship Class continues to make their generation’s presence known on Capitol Hill. This year, alongside Congressman Mike Honda’s office, they will host Langar on the Hill.
On Tuesday, U.S. District Judge John C. Coughenour in Seattle sentenced Jamie Larson to 40 months in prison for yelling racial slurs and beating taxi driver Kashmira Hothi.
Sikhs have been performing at the InterFaith Concert since 1987 when they first joined the InterFaith Conference of Metropolitan Washington (IFC), an organization started in 1978....
The concert, which features many faith communities presenting their own music, helps increase the sense of community among the very diverse audience and participants.
Inaugural Celebrations for Sikh Gurdwara, DC will be held on Saturday, September 14, 2013 from 10:30am to 12:30pm at 3801 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20016.
“From four girls in Birmingham to six worshippers in Oak Creek, from a bridge in Selma to a march on Washington: we stand with you, we march with you, we serve with you.”
Hundreds of Sikhs in the Washington area gathered at Guru Gobind Singh Foundation to commemorate the one year anniversary of the Oak Creek shooting at the Gurdwara which took six lives. Many elected officials, religious leaders and civic representatives joined in the prayerful ceremony.
Job Opportunity with the Sikh Council on Religion and Education
“I wanted to get off of that parade of pain,” he said. “I said, ‘I don’t want to come to these vigils anymore,’ -- it was killing me --
All over the world, millions of people practice yoga to find spiritual insight or better health. But very few know of yoga’s goals and means of transforming body and consciousness and its profound philosophical underpinnings.
The D.C. police force on Wednesday became the first major metropolitan police department in the country to proactively allow Sikh officers to wear beards and religious items such as turbans while on the job.
Guru Gobind Singh Foundation, based in Washington, is hosting a special and unique Kirtan program. ~ a Gurmat Sangeet Program dedicated to the legacy of Bhai Sahib Samund Singh Ji Ragi will be facilitated by 'Gurmat Sangeet Project' at Gurudwara Sahib.
A gloomy and depressing wave is fast overtaking the local Sangat. If this happens to the Gurdwara, which lies in the vicinity of both the White House and the Indian Consulate, close to the US Capitol, it will leave permanent scar on the pride of the Sikhs. The Gurdwara Sahib is situated onMassachusetts Avenue, a thoroughfare which houses major embassies in Washington
Last month, Guru Gobind Singh Foundation in Washington celebrated Sikh Women’s Day while paying tributes to Mata Gujri ji, the mother of the 10th Sikh Guru, Guru Gobind Singh, an inspirational figure in Sikh history who faced many challenging circumstances. The entire program was conducted by ladies of the community.
Last month, SALDEF successfully held its first Leadership Development Program (LDP), under its new ground-breaking SikhLEAD youth development initiative. From a large pool of applicants, SALDEF selected 17 highly talented and accomplished young Sikh Americans from around the country for three days of leadership training, self-exploration, and development in Washington, DC.
National Gurdwara, Washington DC situated in close proximity of the White House, the seat of American power is once again in news, this time for a strange tragic incident. Last Wednesday night some vandals very meticulously removed and took away the Sikh flag always hoisting on a mast.
Jasjit Singh, SALDEF Associate Executive Director, presented the final comments, introducing the inaugural SikhLEAD program, and recognizing the 17 participants in attendance. He went on to express the need for our community to invest in our future youth and young professionals as we continue to grow as a community.
They say home is where the heart is. Driven by passion and give back to her roots, a 23-year-old Punjabi NRI girl from the US has taken it upon her to enhance and polish the skills of Punjabi youth in basketball.
“The Smithsonian estimates that on an average about 100 thousand people pass through the Folklife festival every day. We don’t know how many thousands we touched but everyone was special to us for the time they gave us to share with them our Sikh heritage, tradition, and culture.”
“It’s wonderful to see all religions,” she said. “This is the way it should be – We are all God’s children.”
Over 30 elected representatives of the U.S. Congress participated in the grand function apart from nearly 300 guests from across America.
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