Legendary Indian athlete Milkha Singh, the Flying Sikh as he is more popularly known for his tearing speed that set the track ablaze, always had a level of determination and set of principles that set him apart from the pack.
SikhRI Canada hosted a busy week of presentations and interviews in the BC-area from 26 June – 3 July. Programming focused on parenting and families and also on Sikh professionals.
...both of us acknowledged our unparalleled connection that goes deeper than just the way we look, but in essence goes to the root of who we are as a people, community and nation.
Every child is different so every approach has to be. We are blessed with three children and that means the complexity of parenting is three times more difficult. Just when you think you have it figured out you are proven wrong...
I had one of the biggest scares of my life yesterday. Sitting at a family gathering I lost my concentration for a split second holding my 2 month old son, Avtar.
Meena Devi is unlike any little girl you will ever meet. In many ways, she isn’t even a child. The afternoon we met, she’d cooked lunch for two of her siblings.
The only reason she's marrying this guy is to keep her dad happy. She's marrying someone she doesn't love and who won't make her happy. I don't want her to make a decision she'll regret for the rest of her life.
My parents had always told me that the souls of children and parents choose one another, and I believed that such a profound experience had just occurred. For years I was left to wonder when she would come. Who would her father be?
Thoughts by Gurumustuk Singh about parenting & raising a Sikh daughter with outside influences of western society and media. Coming to terms with a Sikh girl's identity as a Sikh...
In childhood you have never been taught responsibility. You have been shoved and pushed and ordered. The majority of your childhood I have seen in this country is regimented. Nobody uses heart.