Gurdial Singh, Punjab Trust, France said that the protests would culminate in a large Europe-wide demonstration outside the European Parliament in Brussels on Thursday 29 March. "Members of the European Parliament from across Europe are expected to join the demonstration and show solidarity with the Sikh community by demanding the time has come for the death penalty in India to come to an end" he said .
The SOCH is a non-profit organization with a mission to impact the lives of less privileged children, enabling them to maximize their potential and change their lives. SOCH primarily focus is in the field of education, addressing formal education through sponsoring child’s school expenditure. SOCH also works in the area of Medical Assistance for the needy.
The first anniversary of the earthquake in Haiti comes with a deluge of progress reports from many of the NGOs and aid agencies involved in reconstruction and ongoing relief work. We select a sample.
A group of NRIs under the aegis of United Sikh Mission, a US-based NGO, are fighting the odds to establish the Kartarpur Sahib Corridor as a “peace corridor” between India and Pakistan.
Citing explanations from the likes of Bhai Vir Singh, Prof Puran Singh and Sirdar Kapur Singh, Harinder Singh challenged popular myths, surrounding 'Nam' and its remembrance.
UNESCO security refused entry to kirpan-wearing Sikhs at a UN Conference while French authorities granted permission for Sikhs to wear the kirpan at a UN Human Rights Village.
Akaal Purkh Ki Fauj (APKF) survey team has opened the eyes of quite a large number of people about the present standards of education.
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