This is the context in which I understand the Sant-Sipahi. Guru Teg Bahadur tried the peaceful way and that did not work. Guru Gobind Singh felt forced to use the sword, but he wanted his soldiers to remain faithful to the Sikh ethical principles.
Who wants to give their head? The circumstances were different, but the meaning of giving your head or carrying your head on the palm of your hand is the same. It means total dedication, total commitment to God.
If you were to know and understand all the words used in the different spiritual traditions to describe aspects of God, you might begin to understand something of the greatness of God.
The first thing that struck me is that there is no fixed time span given for the day on which the ceremony is to take place.
The Guru instructed us before he passed away to follow Guru Granth and Guru Panth. I have been trying to practice this in my daily life since 1996.
My Guru is the Guru Granth Sahib, not the Námdhari satguru, not the yogi who called himself the leader of the Sikhs in the western hemisphere, not the Soho Road (Birmingham) spiritual leader of the Sikhs in the UK, nor any other self-appointed holy man, pardhan or jathedar - I am a Sikh
Why do so many Sikhs think that acquiring luxuries is in tune with Guru's teachings?
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