Bhai jagraj Singh does a hard hitting katha at Southgate Gurdwara about Committees and planning the future of our Gurdwareh.
I wouldn't limit this app to kids. I think the app is just the thing that will finally help my father in law (who is in his 60s and wants to learn Punjabi) easily learn the language at his own pace but in an interactive and engaging way.
They are ready to take two steps and receive us with open arms and learn about us, our philosophy, our identity and our lifestyle.
Still, researchers aren't convinced that today's cutting-edge computers are a match for the highly-adaptive human brain. But that could soon change,...
In response to the world around it, the adolescent brain is a marvel of regeneration, wiring and rewiring itself constantly as its owner learns and refines the motor, social and perceptual skills that will form the foundation of his or her adult behavior.
The mission of Peace Learning Circles is to promote a culture of peace through education to youth and communities.
When author Kiran Lyall recently had her own child she looked for a book she could use to introduce her baby to Panjabi. She noticed there are plenty of books/dvds targeting older children but a lack for the younger ones.
Earlier evidence out of UCLA suggested that meditating for years thickens the brain (in a good way) and strengthens the connections between brain cells. Now a further report by UCLA researchers suggests yet another benefit.
Participants in an 8 week meditation class experienced structural brain changes including increased grey-matter density in the hippocampus, known to be important for learning and memory, and in structures associated with self-awareness, compassion and introspection.
There are biological motivations behind the stereotypically poor decisions and risky behavior associated with adolescence, new research from a University of Texas at Austin psychologist reveals.
The Book is unique and the first of its kind in the sense that it enables anyone with a knowledge of English to learn Punjabi in a span of 20 hours . It might sound impossible but the book has been written after a lot of research..
Wooden bowl
I guarantee you will remember the tale of the Wooden Bowl tomorrow, a week from now, a month from now, a year from now...
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