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Many teen boys and teen girls have biases against female leaders in powerful professions such as politics. Many teen girls have biases against other teen girls as leaders, and many teens perceive their peers as biased against female leaders. Further, the research suggests that some mothers have implicit biases against teen girls as leaders.
Why is the panth in disunity? How can the youth create a successful path for the future? Siri Singh Sahib shares his experience of how he was a part of an important Sikh youth movement when he was younger. He offers inspiration and ideas for the younger generation today.
I have found that community engagement at many levels and in many ways is the most promising way to open new doors and unimagined opportunities for us and future generations.
“Fall in Love with Sikhi.” Impassioned presentations were made by graduates of SikhRI’s Sidak leadership retreat on the impact of their learning there.
The Sikhs rejected en-masse Jathedars like Arur Singh for their sycophancy to the state. The Sikh psyche salutes Jathedars like Gurdev Singh Kaunke even though the state refuses to prosecute his extra judicial killings. On this Bandi Chor Divas (Freedom day), let’s light the lamp to free ourselves from political-spiritual fortifications.
The room reverberated with talk of Tongpeng La, Raja Hill, Burki, OP Hill, Poonchh, Siramani and Tiger Hill 1999 - battles long ago emblazoned on the Sikh Regiment's glorious history.
In the Executive Mind class, however, professor Jeremy Hunter pulls out decidedly different tools: a brass singing bowl and leather-wrapped mallet. The chimes from three strikes on the bowl quiet the dozen or so students, who have put away smartphones and other devices. They close their eyes.
The real test of a good leader is that no one inflicts pain on another under his or her leadership. A leader should have good advisers and must not act alone, or for selfish reasons. A good leader should be just and impartial and act according to Dharam...
Panelists took a variety of approaches to the broad topic, sharing ways in which their faith tradition encourages care and support for the impoverished through distribution and contribution of their time, earnings, and energy, or the vision...
Interestingly, every guy with a dastaar on his head is dubbed “Sardar Ji”… not much thought goes into that - it’s just the way it is. I guess it does come with the territory…after all, the dastaar our men (and some women) don is reflective of royalty, isn’t it? However, I think we need to be a little more careful just throwing that word around.
Sikhs don't get applauded by keeping their heads down and being victims. They excel by being the champions of freedoms and rights of everyone. Even putting their lives on the line being heroes and that which gets the job done for everyone.
Last month, SALDEF successfully held its first Leadership Development Program (LDP), under its new ground-breaking SikhLEAD youth development initiative. From a large pool of applicants, SALDEF selected 17 highly talented and accomplished young Sikh Americans from around the country for three days of leadership training, self-exploration, and development in Washington, DC.
...a little-known Musquodoboit Harbour pharmacist is getting ready to launch his leadership bid this weekend. He was born Martin Hill, but is now Martin Singh after changing his name as part of his conversion to the Sikh faith.
Sidak is a distinctive leadership development program for young adults seeking to increase their commitment towards the Sikh faith. A two-week intensive immersion in Sikh culture, language, values and community though understanding bani (scripture), tvarikh (history), and rahit (discipline), is held annually in San Antonio, Texas.
In grade 12, he earned 100 per cent in math, calculus, physics, biology and chemistry, and in 2009 received the Governor General’s Academic Medal for Excellence. Currently a second year business student at the University of British Columbia, he was offered full scholarship from the university.
SikhLEAD is a multifaceted initiative consisting of several programs that will be offered annually to aspiring Sikh youth. The Congressional Internship Program (CIP) is the first effort in this series of programs. In its inaugural session, SALDEF’s CIP will select exceptional Sikh students to intern this summer with a member of Congress in Washington, DC.
This revolutionary win in golf has endorsed that there are 155 million Sikhs in the world. Four young men from the forgotten Sikh tribe Sikligar’s who live in the south of India have hit the headlines.
"It shook my soul. I decided to help those who believed in the freedom to practice their faith. I felt obligated to educate those who didn't know much about my faith and to inform that our philosophy is to live and let others live in harmony and peace.
"As a Sikh, I was immediately impressed with Morocco's values concerning freedom of religion..."
About parents choosing careers for their children & different definitions of "Success"
What do you do for a Living? Creating change and careers in Sikh organizations...
"The Leader Other Leaders Love", the magazine said the economist-turned-politician Singh, engineered the transition "from stagnant socialism to a spectacular take-off in the global economy. But it's Singh's unassuming personal style that really inspires awe...
GuruJodha Singh Khalsa and our Member of Parliament in the Singapore government, Mr Inderjit Singh will be teaching at this August 2009 camp.
Meet seven-year-old Seelu, who could well be the youngest teacher in the world.
Thoughts on Sikh Youth and taking leadership roles in the world
How can we work to expand the options, pathways, and possibilities for Sikh women?
Listen to stories about daily struggles wearing a turban, highlighting principles of leadership that we can all use in our daily lives.
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