Lately, observers have been arguing that useful Indianisms such as prepone should form part of the global vocabulary of our language. Indian English, they say, is a perfectly valid form of English – as is American or east Asian English – excluded only by rank snobbery.
[VIDEO] Many youngsters study Punjabi now and it's an essential way of passing on from one generation to another the Punjabi culture.
[VIDEO] Keeping the Punjabi langauge alive: I’ve noticed that more and more people my age are getting disconnected with the Punjabi language and have a hard time with oral communication in Punjabi.
For any Punjabi speaker interested in a resource to refine your language skills. In yet another attempt to promote Punjabi language, Punjabi University, Patiala, launches the first-of-its-kind online Punjabi encyclopedia...
Raising bilingual kids can often be hard work to ensure the child is getting enough exposure in the second language.
In the court of the Tenth Guru, Guru Gobind Singh, ushered in a new approach to literature, not only with regard to the understanding of the Sikh scripture Guru Granth Sahib, but the idea of comparative religion.
We may be losing more than we realize when we depend upon English translations of the Guru Granth Sahib that offer a very different character and influence compared to the original.
The word Guru has now morphed into so many applications that it becomes confusing. Common usage equates the word with any expert. Gurus are now dime a dozen. One can be a Guru in the kitchen or in music, in surgery or in style and fashion, even a personal trainer at the spa.
Words tell a story. The most important story is the one about me.
The Sultan of Selangor’s decree that non-Muslims in the state are forbidden from using the term “Allah” has drawn the ire of a senior clergyman, who felt that the ruler has acted in an unfair manner.
Concerned over the dwindling number of children able to speak in Gurmukhi, the Sikhs in Pakistan have demanded the government establish separate institution for the community so that the language of their scriptures can be taught to the community members.
SOME 32 Sikh students were honoured by the Penang Sikh Association (PSA) for their achievements in their school examinations.
Canada is steadily becoming a nation of many languages, as recent waves of immigration turn the country's main cities into a translator's paradise.
The trend within English fiction is interesting. There was a small bump around 1810, during which time the Sikh king Maharaja Ranjit Singh was conglomerating neighboring Sikh kingdoms. There was a large increase around 1850, when the British defeated the Sikhs and assumed control of Ranjit Singh’s kingdom.
UC Santa Cruz has received $247,000 to establish an endowed fund in support of the Humanities Division’s Sikh and Punjabi Studies program.
The philosopher Suzanne Langer once wrote, “though the material of poetry is verbal, its import is not the literal assertion made in the words but the way the assertion is made and this involves the sound, the tempo … and the unifying all-embracing artifice of rhythm.”
Panini Keypad uses artificial intelligence to accurately estimate the characters that the user could be typing and places them to his fingertips. This approach is completely new and unique and results in sensationally simple usability to type on the phone for complex languages.
IF YOU ARE STOLEN, CALL THE POLICE AT ONCE. PLEASE OMNIVOROUSLY PUT THE WASTE IN GARBAGE CAN. DEFORMED MAN LAVATORY. For the past 18 months, teams of language police have been scouring Beijing on a mission to wipe out all such traces of bad English signage before the Olympics come to town in August. (By the way, that last phrase means “handicapped bathroom.”)
Sikhs live by core principles that put more of an emphasis on spirituality in daily life — being constantly meditative of God, giving to others and earning a living through honest means. That less-didactic approach made it hard to instill the religion in a Sikh generation growing up in the West...
Nearly half of U.S. physicians say language or other cultural barriers are obstacles to providing high-quality patient care, according to a study released by the Center for Studying Health System Change.
The Sikh Youth of Punjab Monday organized a road show to commemorate the 44th foundation day of the present Punjab.
As Sikhs we keep the image that sets us apart from the world, then why are we simplifying things to fit in? Sikhs need to keep using the term Gurudwara and educating people on what a Gurudwara is. Gurudwara means ‘home of God’....
“In purview of above facts, it is clear that the decision of BCI to ignore Punjabi is not justifiable and amounts to discrimination against Punjabi Students and Punjabi Language.” said Parmjeet Singh Gazi, who further added that SSF is a student organization, which takes up issues related to students..
The Book is unique and the first of its kind in the sense that it enables anyone with a knowledge of English to learn Punjabi in a span of 20 hours . It might sound impossible but the book has been written after a lot of research..
Punjabi Alphabets
The Punjabis used to speak their own language when the world-known ancient Indian Valley Civilization flourished in the north-west parts of the country.
There's a lasting link between the 35-character alphabet used to write Punjabi and the Sikh religion.
Punjabi is set to become the fourth largest spoken language in Canada by 2011 after English, French and Chinese, according to Canadian Immigration Minister Jason Kenney.
A study of the Guru's concept of Khalsa - Opinion by Jagpal Singh Tiwana
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