Everyone in the world has a right to call themselves a Sikh but the word Sikh holds a special meaning for the followers of Sikhism. The proper definition of Sikh is to be a student and in that sense, no one can claim that someone is a Sikh or not...
“Join the Saadh Sangat, the company of the holy; vibrate and meditate on the jewel of the Naam” (12:7)
In Sikh literature, the Gurus identify individuals in two broad categories. The Manmukhs or those whose faces are turned towards the mind and the Gurmukhs, those whose faces are turned toward the Sat Guru or the True Master. These two personality traits are said to govern how individuals live their lives and how joyous, content and balanced they are.
Today, 13th March 2009, Gurmukh Pyaare Bhai Nirmal Singh jee (UK) passed away in the early hours of Amrit-velaa, having bravely accepted the Hukam of terminal cancer.
The daughter of spiritual teachers shares her childhood stories and enlightened advice for raising the meaning-makers of tommrow.
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