Once upon a time a long time ago there lived a Muslim child in India named Farid. Like most children Farid loved eating sweets. His mother always knew this about him, and one day she told him, "Son, the Lord created everything and is the Giver. Meditating on Him is the best." Farid replied, "Mama, if I meditate on The Almightly, will I get something in return?" She explained, "Well my son, when we meditate, we look very sweet to the Merciful Lord. So God gives us sweets to eat". "Oh!!! I love sweets!!!!!", he declared joyfully.
4 years old Sikh girl completed Akhand Path - a must watch
How can we forget Bluestar was evil Bluestar was cruel Now they’re trying to make us the fools.
Making mistakes allow children to experience new things, fail, get back up, and figure things out.
And there is something very positive to be said for an education that brings a "higher power" into the foreground.
This is how we ought to feel: shocked, outraged, angry. But this is what we really feel: ....
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