This has been brought about by...witnessing first-hand the absurdity of religion, understanding that when somebody chooses a religion they automatically condemn the rest of mankind and that living a life in the service of a God that may not even exist is a wasted life...
The creation of the Khalsa signified the end of caste, creed and religious differences and the birth of a New Man – a man of Universal Consciousness.
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Human birth is supreme amongst all life forms as it provides an opportunity for the soul to end its journey of births and deaths and merge in God. For this to occur, a human must realize why he or she has taken this birth and then conduct his or her life accordingly.
Jot Singh Khalsa is a master. His handmade weapons are prized all over the world. But he has always longed to make a kirpan that could be available to everyone.
The Guru lies within each of us. It is the compass needle that always points true north – the touchstone of Truth – the conscience of every individual.
With progression of Simran, we soon attain a state of peace, balance and bliss. The first stage is the audible repetition of the Divine Naam. This is called Jaapa.
The Heart Rules is a manual for creating a change of consciousness within yourself from a head-centered approach to life to a heart-centered way of living.
Naam Simran semantically means meditation. The foundation of Sikhi is uttering the name of God, which leads to one-pointed on the Infinite presence within all beings, things and actions. So why dedicate one’s time to Simran?