What is Pink Ladoo Project - Rajvinder Khaira's Story of Bringing Equality to the Girl Child
Guruchanan Kaur talks about how her music background made her fall in love with Sikhi.
The story of how Rajvinder Khaira started the Pink Ladoo Project to celebrate the birth of Girl Child.
Once there was a village that Guru Nanak went to visit. In that village were two friends, one of them was a sincere spiritual man and the other was an average man.
Guruchanan Kaur tells her story of being introduced to Sikhi: Yoga class, Mool mantra, Mool mantra composition, Guru Granth sahib, Sikhiwiki, Japji.
A story about how one man and his family realize the power and importance of PRAYER! A Lesson that a heartfelt prayer can re-write our destiny and take away all our ills.
Founder & CEO SikhNet.com - The oldest (24 years!) & largest Sikh web service & Organization serving over 7 millions users from around the world.
From a young age I felt like I wasn’t worthy, wasn’t deserving of goodness and should be happy with the scraps that I get.
Aavoh Sikh Satguru Ke Pyareo is a Stay Home Collaboration among 17 Kirtanis
Beautiful rendition by 21 families from across the world share & this shabad of humanity and oneness