On the 29th year of 1984 genocidal attacks on Sikh community, Sri Akal Takhat Sahib Jathedar Giani Gurbachan Singh issued a historic edict directing the Sikh groups to submit a “Genocide Petition” with the United Nations in Geneva on November 01, 2013.
True that we would like NOT to see a Sikh reading the Guru Granth sahib with a glass of wine in his hand but that still leaves a distinct issue here that deserves to be addressed. These are individual infractions that should be managed at the local level by the local sangat at the local neighborhood gurduara.
Satkaar Campaign Sevadaars are pleased to inform the UK Sikh Sangat that Sri Akal Takhat Sahib has issued a further Aadesh (edict) which re-confirms that no anti Gurmat activities such as parties with meat and alcohol are permitted on any Gurdwara owned or related property.
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