“The Sangat is so beautiful here, it’s just brilliant, when we all sit and practice kirtan I feel like i’m experiencing God.” - Simrit Kaur, Age:14. --- Giani Ji noticed that a majority of Sikh Gurdwaras catered only to the needs of the older generation, he felt that the youngsters had been left out... Now 1600 children are inspired through the camps every year.
100 Gurmat Camps are being organised in 30 days starting from 20th April to 20th May 2013 in Alwar District of Rajasthan, India. Several organizations are part of this grand initiative”.
Satnam Education Society of BC is proud to announce another step forward for the Sikh Community of North America. The Society has purchased 160 acres of beautiful greenery in scenic Miracle Valley. This property will be called the Khalsa Centre and will be open to our visitors throughout the year.
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