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In the razzmatazz, glamour and superficiality of the materialistic life, mysticism and spirituality have taken a backstage. Yet, the soul yearns for the ultimate reality. Mysticism-oriented music, if only it could be marketed as much as "pop", can possibly be the salvation of humanity. Unfortunately, it remains a niche — sidelined in favour of sex and violence.
“These hymns and chants from Guru Nanak tradition are loved and cherished by millions of Sikhs and Guru Nanak followers around the globe.....This music has the power to promote deep relaxation, meditation contemplation and devotion, regardless of religion and cultural back ground.”
There is a mistaken belief amongst Gurbani Keertan purists sometimes that Indian and Sikh classical raags have remained static over the centuries. Gurbani singers like Sikh “world music” genre pioneer, Dya Singh of Australia, are at the receiving end of criticism because they do not always stick to the beaten track of traditional Gurbani Keertan sung to prescribed raag bases.
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