A Somerset pub landlord who was helped by Ravi Singh, one of last year’s Happy Listers, has flown to Nepal to return the help he was shown.
The disastrous flooding in Malaysia has caused havoc amongst the lives of many across the country, in particular the state of Kelantan where the Kula Krai Gurdwara was submerged under more than 50ft of water...
The Baaj of Humanity will fly again when duty calls for good will to all irrespective of caste or creed. This special Falcon of Humanity Helistar was the first helicopter to reach the disaster zone...
As Sandy bore down on the U.S. East Coast on Sunday, the two hardest hit Caribbean nations — Cuba and Haiti — concentrated on trying to put together what Sandy tore apart.
The SOCH is a non-profit organization with a mission to impact the lives of less privileged children, enabling them to maximize their potential and change their lives. SOCH primarily focus is in the field of education, addressing formal education through sponsoring child’s school expenditure. SOCH also works in the area of Medical Assistance for the needy.
The Squamish Sikh Society also stepped up and made a large donation to the Canadian Red Cross to help relief efforts in Japan. The society hosted members of the Squamish Japanese Society at the Sikh temple on Sunday (March 27) and presented them with a donation of $2,188.88.
A year later, today, many Haitians still go without access to basic services such as access to hospital care despite the influx of over $1 billion in aid. According to several estimates, more than a million Haitians are still homeless.
The first anniversary of the earthquake in Haiti comes with a deluge of progress reports from many of the NGOs and aid agencies involved in reconstruction and ongoing relief work. We select a sample.
Arjun Singh left his village of Purana Sukkur because of the floods and came to Karachi towards the end of July. He has not received any support from the government but he does not blame anyone. “The life of a Sikh here is a very difficult one,” he says as if to explain his subdued resignation.
“There are islands — the whole place — you cannot get from one area to another, there is no connection,” Mr. Haroon said at a news conference. “The phones are down, the roads are blown away. It’s like going back to primordial history, practically.”
UNITED SIKHS was honored for their recent humanitarian aid efforts in Haiti and Chile, and ongoing civil rights advocacy work by the New York State and City lawmakers in May, 2010.
The European Commission also believes that 250,000 are in need of urgent aid. While the death toll is estimated at 200,000, some say an exact tally will never be known.
Minorities who have taken shelter in Peshwar after escaping from the Taliban regime are in urgent need of blankets, warm clothes and a source of livelihood.
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